
Showing posts from December, 2021

Trade With Me Now Day 154 Friday

new years eave checking market weather report and tracking ml trades as long as the job holds out and the paychecks keep coming in and the world doesn't go to hell things should be ok happy new year

Trade With Me Now Day 153 Thursday

on hold with airline trying to get departure flight pushed back to 1/31 doing market weather report will take mail down to mom in the hospital

Trade With Me Now Day 152 Wednesday

living in canon city trying to help mom down at the nursing home as much as i can working remote doing market weather report holding all cash waiting for alert from ml

Trade With Me Now Day 151 Tuesday

first tuesday after Christmas will see what ml does today i think he might send out his first trade alert since 12/9 doing market weather report

Trade With Me Now Day 150 Monday

got through Christmas in colorado return flight on 1/10 may need to push it out got new tags on pickup truck holding things together day 150 checking market weather report cash is a position i'm in all cash

Trade With Me Now Day 146 Thursday

everything revolves around the job if the job is good everything is good without a job all effort would be focused on finding a job a job a job that is the world we live in and thank God for it i am able to work and generate an income and thanks to dave ramsey i am debt free and i have completed baby step 7 and i am working my dave ramsey baby step 1 four walls program in perpetuity

Trade With Me Now Day 145 Wednesday

this is the only thing that matters is that i make a post here on this blog and log another day of effort the charts mean nothing to me and it's like looking at some strange thing that nobody could ever possibly understand you have all of the people supposedly making money by doing exactly that and a lot of them out there are saying that anybody can do it if you have the right system and do it right which must include hours and hours of study time and concerted effort and that is probably the main thing that eliminates most who ever venture into these waters

Trade With Me Now Day 144 Tuesday

never do more than pay the $79 per month until the day they bury me buy hold and rest easy is the only way for me but i do like telling the world to go to hell i'm busy and sitting here and watching this stupid thing they call the markets on this stupid thing they call the internet on these stupid things they call computers but i can also listen to pastor murray and pastor tony spell and pastor greg locke and sean feucht and i can pray for peace on earth and good will toward man and be glad i am not writing these words from the front lines of a war torn country lunch with mom today and then go look at one of jon's horses

Trade With Me Now Day 143 Monday

visit mom in the nursing home today did market weather report looked at put in my will accounts so far so good if everything doesn't go to hell in a handbasket good lord willing and the creek don't rise

Trade With Me Now Day 149 Sunday

i'm in all cash going in to the new week visiting mom in nursing home working on yard hanging christmas lights god bless america

Trade With Me Now Day 148 Saturday

go visit mom in nursing home get egg macmuffin pick up some MCD checking market weather class this morning at 0800 mt

Trade With Me Now Day 147 Friday

i'm still doing time in canon city looked at market weather report trying to get out of ITM PCS think or swim not letting me execute the order

Trade With Me Now Day 146 Thursday

did market weather report checked buy and hold cash is a position day off today will try to hang Christmas lights thank you Lord for all of my blessings will go visit mom in the nursing home

Trade With Me Now Day 145 Wednesday

did market weather report now check yesterdays text alerts and open trades.

Trade With Me Now Day 144 Tuesday

working from canon city mom in the nursing home holding things together working on market weather report then will check open trades and profit and loss

Trade With Me Now Day 143 Monday

i'm on trade number 16 of my new tracker.  hit 25 trades and start a new tracker.

Trade With Me Now Day 142 Sunday

working from colorado mom in the hospital did market weather report checking profit and loss

Trade With Me Now Day 141 Saturday

did market weather report went to visit mom got mail for mom checking moms bills due getting tags and registration for truck fasting praying working on program

Trade With Me Now Day 140 Friday

did market weather report.  bill taking mom to doctor appointment in springs.  will close out my 12/10 trade today.

Trade With Me Now Day 139 Thursday

will go down to the nursing home and visit mom this morning.  did market weather report.  listening to last nights training video.

Trade With Me Now Day 138 Wednesday

Day one at 1040.  Got here and got moved in yesterday but this is first day set up in office in basement after good hot shower and good sleep last night and all unpacked and set up for the long haul to 1/10.  Mom is in the home and seems to be doing ok.  Nice sunrise this morning.  Listening to ML tuesday morning live trading recorded video.  He did pretty good with mcdonalds.  currently flat.  patience.

Trade With Me Now Day 137 Tuesday

made it to colorado.  wifi tested good and logged in to all sytems on work computer.  now catching up with missed trade alerts and incoming training videos.

Trade With Me Now Day 136 Monday

flying to colorado today to see mom in the nursing home for Christmas.  thank you Lord Jesus for all of my blessings and I pray for safe travels and good job performance and computer and internet connection in Colorado.  will stay through the new year and fly back on 1/10 monday.  will attempt to do market weather report every morning from Colorado.  Back to Virginia in January.  Praying for my mom in the nursing home that she may get better and have some peace of mind and joy of heart that only faith in God can bring.

Trade With Me Now Day 135 Sunday

did market weather report.  reading posts of other traders in the facebook group.

Trade With Me Now Day 134 Saturday

Live training today.  Been a tough couple of weeks for some traders in the group.  I'm still on paper so red or green is the same to me.  And I am in the red so I'm glad to be on paper.  Others in the group seem to be doing better and some reporting profits.  Will be interesting to listen to ML today in the live training.  Should be a good show.  God bless America.

Trade With Me Now Day 133 Friday

The nice thing about this business is that it only costs me $79 per month and I can just paper trade while I learn.  Seems like a lot of members have been losing money over the last couple of months.  I'm enjoying the JOMO.

Trade With Me Now Day 132 Thursday

thursday pto. love the dave ramsey four walls baby step one in perpetuity plan.  all thanks to God in heaven and his only son Jesus Christ.  working on market weather report.  heading in to friday pto day tomorrow where i will be able to manage my trades on a friday.  this will be different than managing trades on a friday that i have to work.  i think on those friday's i will only manage to 10 am and then close out the postitions.

Trade With Me Now Day 131 Wednesday

first day of december.  pay all bills.  thank you Lord Jesus that I can.  doing market weather report.  relaxing and waiting for the markets to open.  got 9 open trades in the fire.  middle of the week.  week 18 in the program.  working on 2nd 25 trades trade tracker.  in the black at the moment.  a couple of my opens look good.  will need some others to turn around.