
Showing posts from February, 2022

Not Sure What Day It Is

I'm not sure what day it is but I have been busy taking care of mom.  I am only able to devote a few minutes to trading each day at this time.  However with only a few minutes per day it is possible to work this relaxed style of swing trading with no emotion.  God bless America.

Market Weather Report

My market weather report consists of looking at my checking account and making sure all of my bills are paid.  Then I go to work on my job and hope and pray that I can make it to the next paycheck.  When the paycheck comes in I put it in the bank and use it to pay my bills.  If the bills are paid and my job is good and I have money in the bank and my health is good enough to look forward to the next paycheck and I can shave my bills down to the absolute bare minimum then the market report is good.

The Long Winter

primary care-giver responsibilities taking up my time.  a relaxed style of swing trading with no emotion entail for me at this time being in all cash position and flat as a pancake.  paying $20 per month for the course and watching when i can.

watching the markets

this is all i do.  i don't do anything else.