Productivity Adjustments
Today I adjusted my daily routine in hopes of generating more productivity. Starting out at my desk on my PC instead of sitting in my nice soft chair by the window and the lamp and reading my phone. The reason for doing this is because I can work from my blog here at my desk and this is a much more productive work station.
I would say in the beginning learning stages that one shouid soak up as much free information as humanly possible before going to the paid subscribtions. A penny saved is a penny earned for the kingdom. God has blessed me such that I am comfortable and not in need of taking any unecessary risk. Of course risk is unavoidable. I don't know what the trick is but I will go with my plan of only buying, never selling, and only 10% max of my total portfolio into my two higher risk catagories of cryto and individual stocks.
I'll try to start every day with a prayer of thanks and gratitude. I'll check in daily with my preacher follows. I'll listen to, read, and soak up as much information on investing as I can all the while working to be far above average on the job, in fact, strive for excellence on the job. My job is my number one asset after my faith in God. I pray that God will help me to excel on my job so that the money keeps coming in and blesses me with much success in my investing efforts.
I have mad a catagory called tithing and I will work to invest more and more into that catagory and continue to work on my giving. Howard-Browne suggests living on the tithe and giving 90% to the kingdom. That would sure be a glorious day if I could ever get to that level. Right now 10% of what I make will not cover my basic bills, hoa fee, property taxes, internet, smartphone, electricity, food, clothing, and shelter. I will work to live on as small amount of my income as I possibly can while at the same time saving and investing the largest amount of my income as I possibly can. And hopefully on that glorious day when I go to meet God face to face, I will have something good to report.
This is similar to when I tried to start the Shopify business late 2019 early 2020. That business was a confusing mess and compared to investing I like the investing game much better. The potential is there in both, but I think even better in cryto and stocks. And the best thing about crypto and stocks and investing is that there is no inventory, and no dealing with Ali Baba unless you want to buy there stock. I think it is quite obvious in my mind that I like the investing business much better. And the thing about it is that I am already in the investment business and have been in it since the day I was born. And I find myself here at 57 years of age born 1963 as having already accumulated some success in the endeavour. So not it is just a matter of shedding all other busines ideas out of my mind and leaving only this on my plate.
And this game, unless you are born with the means to not work, amounts to getting a job and living on less than you make. One can push the job front in hopes of increasing the income but it seems that at a certain level it starts to give less return on investment. I did push the career path quite hard for quite a long time and that is what has gotten me to the point where I am today.
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