You Can't Learn It All In One Day

 I was listening to this kid on the Pomp Podcast today.  Sounds like he's on his way to making a fortune.  When I was a younger man I used to dream about making a fortune.

The rich and poor meet together: the Lord is the maker of them all.

Today I don't even have to quote the chapter and verse.  Anybody who is interested can just go to the search engine of their choice and look it up for themself.

But now at the age of 57 years born 1963 graduated high school 1981 I find myself facing the cold hard reality that I never made it.  And I may not make it yet.  

Many in this world would say that I have made a fortune.  And in many respects I have.  All glory to God in heaven.  By the grace of God I am not in debt, I am note homeless, I am not hungry, I have good clothes to wear and money in the bank.  A car that is paid for.  Low overhead.  A good income.  Good health.

By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honour, and life.

Sometimes I imagine somebody saying to me oh you never even did this or you never even did that?  Sometimes I think, well, I never did memorize the bible.  And all the time God has given me to do just that.

The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

Dave Ramsey likes to read proverbs.  I think he'll pull through this whole Chris Hogan fiasco and keep on going.  He seems to be a sharp businessman.  He sure helped me to get out of debt.  There was a time when I was convinced that I would never see the light of day out from under the debt that I had.  Dave showed me the way.  Probably the only way that would have worked for me given my personality.  I don't like being under financial pressure.  Or not being able to sleep at night worried about my latest money plan.

The plan of working every waking minute of your life and never spending a penny while striving for professional certifications in the field you are working in and always moving towards the next available better position.  After reaching a certain level in that game, Dave would call it baby step number seven, well then you sit there and build wealth and give.

So when I feel myself starting to be stressed or worried about making a bunch of money, I lean back on the word and thank God that he gave me a way out of the hole that I was in.  And not only that, like I say, I'm not doing all that bad.  I really can't complain even though I have this worldly side to me that says take more risk in the market, go for that brass ring.  But then we have fear.  Fear and greed.  Study the word and don't have a greedy countenance.  Be thankful.  Have an attitude of gratitude.

The invest smart.  Believe me anybody living in America in good health and on baby step seven is doing pretty darn good in this old world.  Ask a bunch of them folds down there on the border living in cages.  Must be pretty bad where you're at to risk that trip on food just hoping for any chance to live in America.  I thank God for all of my blessings.

And then we have all of the evil right here in the good old U.S.A.  Communists bent on destruction.  I can hardly imagine what Pastor Tony Spell and Pastor James Coates have been going through.  And I'm sure Howard-Browne has been through the ringer himself.  Back when the bomb first dropped I was tuning in to Pastor Rodney every night.  He came on the air every night without fail to give support to his people.  Seven nights a week.  It was a great strength to me listening to him and hearing him preach the word of God.

So I will make my investments in the first quarter of the year and analyze them the first quarter of the following year.  I see that big companies are making investments into crypto.  Crypto could be a title wave.  A tsunami.  But many will lose money in the storm.  Not everybody is just going to have overnight success.  Anybody who makes a consistent profit in the markets has more than likely earned it via hard work and concentrated effort.

The opportunity is there.  There is no doubt about that.  And along with opportunity comes risk.  I feel good about my plan at this moment in time.  I will take $1,000 and put it in to bitcoin and just let it sit there and watch it until next year about this same time.  Same thing with my $1,000 in stocks.  Let the ride and look at them this time next year.

In the meantime, sure, check in on things and feel the excitement of being in the market, but also sleeping good at night knowing you are only risking a small amount.  Worst case it is gone in an instant.  Thank God I have the means to risk that.  Probably should be giving it to the church but as the name of this blog implies, I am investing in the kingdom.  You can't con God.  Better not say you are and then not give if anything comes of it.

Then I will continue my offerings to Life Tabernacle and tune in for good motivational sermons whenever I feel like watching one.  Got all the good preachers at my disposal all hours of the day and night thanks to the internet.  Life before the internet seems far away, and even every year that goes by seems like a long time ago.  What will the new blockchain and crypto finance technology bring?  Stay tuned for the rest of the story.  Tonight I finish up the book of Daniel as John MacArthur teaches on chapter 12.


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