Check Your Time

 A journal of a man who made a foray into the financial markets in hopes of making some money.  The main goal being to not lose any money.  If in ten years I can cash out for at least the same amount as I have put in, then I will consider it a success.  

It's a game.  It's the stock market and crypto game.  Coming up the ranks in this game took me a long time.  I lost any desire to take any financial risk during my last great business failure.  And I worked the Dave Ramsey baby step all the way to baby step seven.  Build wealth and give.  Now Dave's idea of building wealth is like watching paint dry.  And it works.  And I will continue to invest 15% into my 401k until the game is over.  But I am also blessed, thanks to Dave Ramsey's advice, with having extra income due to not having any debt.  It is only this extra income that somebody else might use to buy new shoes or new clothes or a new car, I will invest into the financial markets.  In that respect I can't lose because I'd rather gain a little bit of experience in the market than have a new pair of shoes.

Success!  My first 100 dollars is in my coinbase account and ready to trade.  Bought 10 dollars.  .00017162 bitcoin.


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