Here's An Idea

You make your money to cheerfully give to the church.  Ninety percent of any profits go to the church.  Train up the kids to make lots of money and give lots of money to the church.  And don't give it to any covid cavers.  I'm not a saint until I ask for forgiveness and then thoughts of spending my money on myself come back in to my head and I'm a sinner once again.

Today is Easter Sunday and there is no google doodle for Christ.  That pretty much tells you what time it is.  I would have liked to get ahold of some of their stock back in the early days and if I did not give 90% of my profit to the church I would probably be on my way to hell right about now.

Do no evil they say.  Isn't that exactly how satan works?  Does exactly what he accuses is enemies of doing while he is doing exactly that.

I'm working through Daniel with Pastor Murray again.  Getting ready to hear what he has to say about chapter 2 and Nebuchadnezezedr


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