Older and Grumpier

 You get older, you get grumpier.  You've seen enough of this world to make you sick.  And that is why you need to go to church.  I go to church online.  And when I travel I need to go to a local church if there is one that is open and not wearing masks.

Get up in the morning, make your bed, get some coffee. Sit down at the desk, check your calendar, check your money.  Pay your bills.  Got to remember to pay the bills.  I remember a time when I was worried whether or not I would be able to pay my bills.  That is not a good feeling.  It took me 20 years but I am now at a point where I am not worried about being able to pay my bills.  Glory to God!  Thank you Lord Jesus!

Two months to visit your mother is probably more than any other son who lives far away would do.  Most son's get trapped with a wife and kids so they have a good excuse.  That's one good thing that comes with being trapped like that.  You have a good excuse to never visit and if you do it's only for two nights at the most.

But myself having been blessed with freedom will set up camp out west for two months.  That is eight church services and eight men's bible study meetings.  Maybe take one week vacation bumper weeks and work all the middle weeks.  Got the big wedding to go to somewhere in the middle though.   And that will be a Saturday night episode I am sure.

Saturday 19 June 2021.

Maybe I'll do July and August.  I like the hot summer months and gives me time to plan.  Winters I just sleep and hibernate.  Then Spring early summer i plan on tour of duty out west.  Society has respect for war veterans.  Get on your horse and ride.  Sure it's not the perfect paradise that you will be leaving, but all in all not a dang bad setup.  Many would like to have things so good as I have them.

Check price of coffee at Safeway.  $16 for 32 oz on Amazon.

I could say that working as a network engineer and investing the proceeds into retirement account, real estate, company stock plans, blue chip stocks, penny stocks, and cryptocurrency is the perfect life.  Thank you Lord Jesus.

Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise.

Seems that cryptocurrency is more exciting.  More exciting place to play with my risk capital.  I think crypto is the only thing that I would consider swing trading.  I think it could be fun.  The markets are quite volatile and I will only play with small amounts of risk capital.  Be ready for worst case scenario of losing it all.  What I like about the crypto markets is that they are live 24/7/365 and I can play with as little as just a few dollars.  Maybe as little as one dollar.  I will look in to it some more.  One thing that is very boring about the stock market is  that it is close on weekends and holidays which is just about as boring as hell but for longer term investments less risky.  My strategy with the stock market will be buy and hold for minimum of one year.  The crypto market is the most exciting place to play with riskier investments.  The more conservative, the longer the hold time.  For example, the 401k is hold forever and never even look at or touch.  Well look at it every day if you want but never touch it.  Never touch it.  The 401k is only there for extreme emergencies after the age of 65.  Call your broker and discuss when this money will be available and what are some decumulation strategies.  Waitin' around to die.

And not only in that in crypto I get free real-time market data.  Try that with any stock service.  Even with all the money I have with my broker I still do not get real time data, real time data in the stock market is expensive, and I'm not able to see candlestick charts in the stock market without paying money.  In the crypto market at coinbase I get all of this for free.


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