
 There's businessmen who appear to haver succeeded.  There's businessmen who have suffered great failures.  There's men everywhere in between.

There will be one, and probably more than one Amazon, or Netflix, or Google, or Facebook, or Bitcoin, or Ethereum, or cryptocurrency that I do not know of today, that will come in to existence after the time that I write these words.  When will I become aware of it?  In the early stages? In the growth stage?  Or after the big opportunity has come and gone?  If I were to keep writing on this blog until the day I died and keep watching the market even if only as little as I have watched it before in my life, I think there will come a day that I will be able to say, see there, that stock or ETF or investment opportunity was not even around back on April 1, 2021.  And here I sit looking at it and knowing that I missed is.  Mark my words.

So you have to find happiness in something other than more money.  It is a hard thing to do as money is so entrenched in our lives.   A good church is more important than all the money in the world.  And a good pastor.  And the study of the bible.  These are all so much more important that piling up big piles of money.  

So I am at a point in my life where I have never been before.  I suppose we are all at a new point in life each morning that we wake up and get started on a new day.  I need to come up with a plan that is about more than money.  So does that mean I have to become more social?  Is it ok to be anti-social?  I think there are many who greatly prefer to be anti-social.  So I think for during and upcoming trip that I have to take I should probably go to church.  Yes I think that would be the best thing for me to do.  Not to be social, but to pray to got and to listen to the word and to be around others who believe in God and who go to church and who bring their kids to church.  Just go and be humble.  No need to get a ride down there.  I will have my own car.  Just go to church. listen, and be humble.  Be very humble, be very quiet, and listen to the man teach the word of God to people who believe in the word of God over that of man.

In fact on the first day that I arrive, in fact even before going to the house, drive straight to the church and tell the pastor that I am going to be there for two months and I intend on being in the congregation every Sunday and would like to know about men's bible study.

In the men's bible study I will be able to stir more of a flame, and talk about never letting the home town come under the control of communists.  What you're doing is you are preparing for war.  That is the only thing there is to do.  Of course be mindful of your income and your money, of course.  And of course do what you can to learn more about conservative investment strategies.  Number one being having a home to live in and a car to drive.  With a good emergency fund in the bank.  Anything left over plow 15% into 401k, ESPP, and TMUS RSU.  If Ethereum is ultra-sound money, then try to have an ultra-sound investment strategy.  

There is no reason that I should not be able to talk about investing and cryptocurrency at the men's bible study.  In fact, the church should be working hard with its money.  It would be interesting to see the investment strategy of the pastor.  I am pretty sure that Howard-Browne has his eye on bitcoin.  And more than likely is also aware of Ethereum and probably knows a hell of a lot more about it than I do.  He could know more about it than Mark Cuban.

Could you imagine if Thomas Pain had had a blog?  The thing is the men back in that day had to make final publishings.  They did not have the luxury of writing jiberish on a blog that makes no sense and having it instantly published to the entire world at the push of a button.  So the objective should be to read what these men did write.  Whatever there is available of their writings to read today was certainly given much thought and vexation.


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