Decentralized Autonomous Organization

God is in charge. God is in control.  Thank you Jesus for my blessings.  I am weak in my financial giving to the church.  But I try to support brother Tony Spell in Louisiana.  It is a shame that we have these communists trying to take over the united States of America.  I guess there is nothing new under the sun.  I guess the experiment of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people is being tested here. 

We have some good battlefronts going on with pastor Jack and pastor Rob in California and Pastor Che and Pastor Sean.  And Peggy Hall.  They say as California goes, so goes the nation.  Got some good fighters in Florida and all over the country.  Idaho, Colorado, Texas.  In every state there are good freedom fighters.  They can see more clearly than others What kind of an evil monster we are fighting agains.

And then you look at the computer programmers and they are focused on coding and building dapps and dao's.  It seems the young people are taking over the world.  I guess they always end up doing that. I never took over the world myself but I would like to get a school of opportunity for underprivileged kids going.  I was looking at these kids growing up in Laos, Nigeria in a floating slum.  What a terrible situation.  And yet the kids were laughing and fishing and having fun.

And I'm doing the same thing right here.  Just working and living and having fun.  I'll watch Sam the Inspirational Nomad.  He's an interesting character and he's just out there trying to live his life.  I thank God I do not live in a car although Sam does it voluntarily.  He explains his thinking on his youtube channel.  You see some other people out there on youtube who are not doing so well.  Thank God I have the level of financial comfort that I do have and I pray that it never gets any worse.

There are people who have never lived through a war and I am one of them.  Less and less combat veterans around but that could could change.  Mark Twain had to live through WWII the big one.  People in the united States of America didn't get to see any action on the home turf.  Japan was not so lucky but the country still seems to be there.

It comes to a point where if you lose your power or run out of gas on the highway that you might not be in such a good situation.  Always need to have running water and indoor plumbing.  If you got all of that man consider yourself lucky.  I know I sure do.  A home with electricity, working, standardized, reliable.  Wow try losing that for a few hours.  Or a day.  Or two.  Or to know it's never coming back.  That's when you know that God is in control and God is in charge and you hope and pray you sent enough to the church.

But if you never spend a penny and it's always sitting right there for you to give to the church when that time comes, because even if it's not war or disease old age will eventually come and get you.  So you leave a few words behind on a blog that is living out there somewhere or would you call it a dead blog at that point.  I'll try to do some writing from Colorado.  I know we got Mike Vendetti down in that area who does the audio book recordings.

I suppose there are a lot more people looking at bitcoin than there was a few years ago.  I looked at it back in the Mount Gox days but at the time just wasn't ready to work on it.  And work is exactly what it takes.  The kids in the school will need to understand about work.  Hopefully they will not be heading in to a war either.  Kids experience war.  For a lot of them I guess was the dad went off to fight and never came back.  Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson could probably tell you a little bit more about it that I could.

So the objective is to develop a course with the objective of giving new programmers who have zero experience in coding a course that takes them from zero to blockchain in the shortest amount of time.  I've already seen the advertisement so there is competition already.  I'll list my top competitors and they will become my top mentors and business partners.  It is a new world of money.  A world of decentralized money and it's the bankers who fight the wars.  The army with the most money stands the best chance of winning.  Although there is always the story of the underdog.  I've heard the Joe Namath Super Bowl was rigged and I think maybe it was.

So it's a war between the central bankers and the decentralized bankers.  Who will win?  How long wil it take?  What kind of changes will be seen?  Are we heading into another crypto winter?  The veterans of the industry could tell you about that.  I am a newbie in crypto and probably always will be.  I sunk a bunch in to a day trading course that went nowhere.  But they say when you start over you are not starting over from scratch but rather are starting over from experience.

If you ever were to lose your job you want to have as much liquid money in the bank as you possibly can.  A home that is paid for is always a good thing.  Geographical location used to be a given but since covid blew us in to the remote age overnight here I am able to work from anywhere.  And I am not the only one.  There are more and more every day.  There will come a time when the majority of people work remote on the internet.  And the internet got here overnight.  Only took about 20 years and we're in the next century.

So it can't hurt to be in the top 3% of all solidity freelance developers in the world if you were to lose your network engineering job.  If I can keep myself solvent and afloat then I can give more to the church.  Pastor Rodney says give 90% to the church and live on the tithe.  I like that idea.  I hope that someday I can do it.


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