Inspirational Nomad

Sam the Inspirational Nomad on youtube is an interesting character and seems to be a good, honest guy trying to do the best he can in life.  He came up with this idea of cutting all expenses to get free.  It's the same plan that I'm working with the main difference being he went temporarily mobile in order to make a geographical move.  I never did live in my car.  I just drove straight from point A to point B and got a room at point B.

Now I am working on a headquarter mobility project.  The objective of the operation is to move my headquarters functionally from Reston, Virginia to Canon City, Colorado.  I have designed my operation with disaster recovery in mind.   It took me about five moves hopping from disaster to disaster before I got it in to my thick head to always be prepared for disaster.

It's the same plan as the Dave Ramsey baby step plan, and Sam the Nomad follows Dave Ramsey just like I do.  Hey if you would rather have some financial peace than to not be able to sleep worrying about how you're going to pay your bills then you may want to give it a try.  I like sleeping good at night.  I wouldn't like sleeping in a car.  I like having a room.  Find the cheapest room you can find, move in, and get ready for disaster.  If disaster never comes you won't be complaining about that.

If you get up in the morning, say a prayer of thanks to God, then get to work.  And you work all day long until you cannot work any more.  And God continues to bless you with food, clothing, and shelter, and half-way decent health. then believer it or not, you are rich beyond all imagination.  Thank you Jesus for all of my blessings and help me to keep working every day from now until the end.

Writing is work.  Give it a try sometime.  See how many people write.  Only a small percentage.  A small percentage of people produce youtube videos, a small percentage of people invest in crypto currencies, a small percentage of people invest in stocks, a small percentage of people are computer programmers.  Everybody does whatever they do.  And that's what makes the world what it is I suppose.

So I am working the Dave Ramsey program with Sam the Nomad.  I have established this school of opportunity for underprivileged kids.  The doors are open and all are welcome.  Step one is to study the Dave Ramsey baby steps and once you have completed baby step seven we can sit down and talk about business opportunities.  Right now I like blockchain development.  

I think if I can get myself to the level of entry-level blockchain programmer I should be able to get a job in the field.  My current employer is a large ISP and might also be able to help me move in that direction.  I am not eager to drop my current bone into the reflection pool and would not complain if I can just sit here and write from here until the end without too many more disasters.  The older you get the harder it becomes to overcome financial mistakes.  It is easier to take other people dying if you have some money in the bank and a place to live.

So right now I am working with Ivan on Tech.  His program is only $697 but I like getting everything I can for free on the internet.  Dapp University is good too.  Lot's of good teachers out there.  Bankless.  And like Ivan it seems to me that this new blockchain universe is going get bigger and is not going to go away.


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