Jonah And The Whale

Then Jonah prayed unto the Lord his God out of the fish's belly,

Get up, get your bible study in, and get to work.

That's all you can do in this world.  

If you have a home, and you can wake up from a good night's sleep, make a cup of coffee, and sit down at a nice desk with a computer and internet connectivity, and check your balance sheet, and your cash flow statement, and your income statement, think about those closest to you, think about God's children further removed but still out there living their lives, then count yourself lucky.

My objective is to study money and finance and investing while making a living as a network engineer.  I've put in a lot of hours of study and work to get to where I am today.  There are some who are doing better financially and some who are doing worse.  Some with a fortune now will be flat broke at some point in the future, and some who have very little will have very much.

Markets go up and down, fortunes are made and lost.  It is easier to lose a fortune if you still have another fortune left even after you lose that one.  Or if you just have a medium fortune, or a small fortune, your objective is the same as everybody who is living.  How much money do I have and how much is it costing me to live?

Dave Ramsey addresses the issue head on and he has the solution to go with it.  Live on less than you make, get out of debt, now start putting that money in to investments.  Basically work every waking minute of your life and never spend a penny.

I got on that program many years ago while at the bottom of a deep hole that I had dug for myself.  At least I was not serving life in prison like my friend Ed Brown, or dying in prison like my friends Dick Simkanin and Irwin Schiff.  Today my friends are the pastors who are being arrested for preaching the word of God.  

The scenario that we find ourselves in today was exactly the scenario that I was fighting against back then. It cost me a wife which could have led to a family and a beautiful life from story book land.  But the fight for freedom and liberty has cost many men much more.

Sam the Inspirational Nomad is still out there I am sure.  Daily video blogs.  I was a big blogger back then in the days before youtube.  I wonder if I would have had youtube how things would be different.  But just like Jonah, we each have to live the life that God has given us.

Jonah was a type for Jesus.  Jonah spent three days and three nights in the belly of the beast just as Jesus did in the tomb.

So I have no reason to alter the plan that has gotten me to the level of luxury that I enjoy today.  The Dave Ramsey baby step plan.  What a stroke of genius.  Maybe I could get on with him as his social media guy or something.   No, I would rather be the boss of my own business with no employees, no inventory, no headaches.  Oh that's impossible you say, well I'm living it right now.

There are two angles to approach the fiat currency system of chains.  Need less of it and make more of it.  Dave Ramsey implements both.  Although there is a gray area somewhere between the bottom and the top.  His plan is pretty much crystal clear all the way to baby step 7.  Once you get there you're more on your own.  

Somewhere after baby step 7 you are supposed to be able to "live like no one else".  But the variable in the equation is how many years have you got left?   I'm hoping for at least 10 which would make me 68, or 20 which would put me at 78.  Thirty would be nice if I was still in good health at 88.  Versus if you are just 17 and working your first burger job, well then, that could be a different story.

Dave Ramsey is the same age as I am.  We'll see who goes first.  His house is a bit bigger than mine but when your nice and comfortable sitting at a nice computer with a nice cup of coffee what's the difference really?  I can pretend like I own the whole world but I just choose to live as though I am still on baby step number one.

Many pass on before ever seeing baby step seven.  In the title of this blog I wrote, "In the greatest county in the world there should never be any kid who grows up and doesn't have millions of dollars."  Well right here in the greatest country in the world we got kids growing up getting old, and dying, without ever even seeing baby step seven.

And that's where God and the church come in to play.  Many in this world are lost and afraid.  Many in this world are suffering.  And at this point in history we still do not have the money equation solved to a point where money is not a very critical piece of the puzzle.  Up to this point in time, man has still not solved the money problem.

Oh it seems that the ultra rich have solved it, and to a degree they have solved it for themselves personally and their closest family members.  But to solve the money problem for the world is a different matter altogether.  And interestingly enough there appears to be an effort to do just this.  Or the effort has always been there, it's just that it seems that mankind may just be on the verge of solving the money equation.

It's a thing called bitcoin and blockchain.  Also known as de-fi.  Decentralized Finance.

They say the banks are going to get hit just as hard as Uber hit the taxi industry.  They say banks will no longer be necessary along with governments and nation states.  Pomp asked his guest, "Who will make the laws?"  And his guest from Germany said, "The DAO's will make the laws."

A DAO they say will be the replacement of today's LLC.  It will be the new best way to establish your business.  Today we have many smart small business LLC's and this is not a dream or a joke.  This is, or was before the fake plandemic communist takeover attempt, a reality.  Many small business LLC's in America today and the backbone of America.

It is almost as if the small businesses of America have been the backbone of America.  I wonder how George Washington had his business affairs arranged.  Certainly there were laws at that time.  It would have been interesting to have been a lawyer back in 1776.


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