Power and Connectivity

 Hard rain here in northern Virginia.  Blue State headquarters of the United States.  I was lucky my power went out a month ago and alerted me to the fact that I needed to upgrade my switch.  I got it done and I'm happy with the job and the job is paid for in cash.  Dave Ramsey style.  Nothin' like having that Grandma's rainy day fund.

So tonight it was raining and thundering and lightening like there was gonna be no tomorrow.  And sure enough lights in the house start to flicker.  Let me tell you I felt good having that newly and professionally installed breaker switch and whole house surge protector paid for in cash.  Great feeling.  Lights and power are still on.  Verizon Fios internet connnection $77.71 per month dropped out and I had to reconnect.  At least they came right back up.

So that's the importance of power and connectivity in today's business world.  If I think I can't operate without power and connectivity just think how all of these big companies feel.  Power and connectivity have become the most critical components in today's world.  Right up there with food and shelter.  If you got food, shelter, power and connectivity you've got it made in the shade.

I pray for those less privileged in this world.  I need to send some money into the church.  Thank you Lord for all of my blessings.  Great to be able to listen to Pastor Murray at night.   Right now we're going through the minor prophets.  Jonah is mentioned by Jesus in the New Testament and he also spent three days and three nights in the belly of the beast.

Only twenty years to go before I collect social security.  If I can hang on to the job then I"ll be able to double dip.  My objective is to live on as little as I possibly can and only eat one meal per day.  I got up to 305 heaviest I've ever been.  Trying to do one meal a day fasting program.  Down to 181 yesterday back up to 182 this morning.  Did pretty good on the diet plan today.  Probably drinking to much V8 strawberry banana juice.  At least is supposed to be just fruit juice.  Can't be that bad health-wise but definitely slows down the progress.

Dave Ramsey plan still in tact.  And maintaining same baby step 1 lifestyle all the way to the end.  Beans and rice, rice and beans.  I guess America is still here.  Waylon's gone but America is still here.  Twenty years and then I'll be old.  I don't mind being an old man who gets paid to sit around and read and study and work on network issues.  I've got only a very small percentage of my net worth in crypto.  And that small percentage is split between individual stocks at Fidelity and cypto split between Coinbase and Gemini.

I'm going to study more about Cardano.  I relly like Kever on Cardano.  Old Kever is doing exactly what I had envisioned doing on my television news program.  He does quite a production on his videos.  Good job Kever!


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