The End Is Not Yet

I think today I'll listen to Pastor Greg Locke.  What you'll see is Pastors having disagreements.  And church members having disagreements.  And church splits.  I listen to Pastor Murray on the radio.  I would probably argue with other students of Shepherd's Chapel.  So there it is.  And here we are.

But the end is not yet.  And Pastor Tony Spell is fighting in the courts.  Pashor Che Ann fought in the courts and won.  He went all the way to the Supreme Court.  Thank you Pastor Che.  I like Pastor Che.  In his fight to keep his church open I have no argument with him whatsoever.  In fact I stand with him on that.  

In the beginning I would have gone to any church that I could find.  But the church I had gone to for cancer was closed.  And the Pastor was wearing a mask and blue rubber gloves and would not even shake my hand.  And the doors of that church are locked to this day.

So how could such a weak church even continue to pay the rent?  Well in the case of that church I'm sure it is completely government owned at this point as it probably has been for man years.  It's a Lutheran church and it was Martin Luther who nailed his 91 thesis to the door of the church.  I wonder how many copies he had made before he nailed up that one.  Today we have blogs so today I suppose he would just have made a blog post and sent out a tweet to let everybody know about it.

But today I may listen to Pastor Greg a little, and maybe some Pastor Tony.  Should tune in to Pastor Rodney and Pastor Chuck Baldwin up in Montana.  I think that Pastor Chuck would not see eye to eye on many issues with other pastors that I have listed here, but on the issue of keeping  the church open and congregating for worship with no masks and no social distancing I'm sure they all agree and that's the main reason I agree with them on.

So I say everybody keep your church open and keep preaching and keep congregating.  And I like Peggy Hall in California.

There are some who will not be church goers.  Who prefer to listen on the radio at night.  You will never get 100% attendance or maybe even attendance like Billy Graham got.  Now his son says Jesus would have taken the vaccine.  That's where him and Pastor Greg go their separate ways.  And I'll go with Pastor Greg on that one.

Actions speak louder than words.  And a picture is worth a thousand words.  What would Mark Twain have to say about the whole situation.

But I'll tell you, when worse comes to worse I will quickly become a church goer.  Just as I went to church here in Herndon, Virginia with the Ecclesia and Emily Rose.  It was the only church that was open but there was no talk against the mask or against the vaccine or against the lockdowns and church closures   And there ain't nobody within a three hour drive that I would really want to sign up for battle with.  But then again it all depend on how bad things get.  If things got bad enough I might have to sell the home and go down to Louisiana or Florida.

In the meantime you wonder how bad are things.  Or are they bad at all?  Or are they pretty good?  Well for me having a job and a home and food to eat and clothes to wear and a car to drive and the ability to put gasoline in the car and good health thank you Jesus.

The the school of opportunity is obviously for me.  But as the url of this blog says, to invest in the kingdom.  Well that would be an interesting thing.  Everybody works all the time and everybody is working to make as big a pile of money that they can possibly make.  Many of us get hit with big bombs somewhere along the way and have to learn some hard lessons.

I'm 58 years old and thanks to the Dave Ramsey baby step philosophy I find myself having completed baby step 7.  With a very small amount of money that I would like to invest.  So where to invest my money.  And that is the same issue that will be number one for the kids here at the school of opportunity for underprivileged kids.  I think after a kid turns 15 he should start getting educated about money.

So the school is open and we are in business.  I am still waiting for the first student to sign up but I have all the time there is.  If no student ever signs up then I will have to try to recruit.  Along with that I am working on my own pile.  No different than anybody else other than I think that I will not spend one penny of it on myself.  No new shoes ever again and no luxuries of any kind.  Because I already live in a luxurious apartment and as long as I can keep things at this level of luxury I will be content.  The trick will be to never again fall below this level of luxury.  But If I ever did maybe I would be able to at least keep writing through it all until the end.

So one of my main efforts is to learn how to code my own coin and deploy it out onto a blockchain and perhaps even get it listed on an exchange.

It is a difficult discipline that of computer coding.  Many years ago at the university I chose a hardware path over software.  I don't regret it so much but it seems that the bigger money and better jobs are in software and maybe always have been.  Although the Cisco CCIE program was right up there at the top for awhile.  Today it seems to lest apparent as to what is the number one opportunity in tech today.

I think blockchain coding looks the best to me.  You have to have an interest in what you are doing or at least it is best if you have some interest in what you are doing.  And in blockchain it appears that what you are doing is actually making money.  It appears that bitcoin is money.  And bitcoin is blockchain.  So blockchain is money and you can learn to code blockchain so you can learn to make money.  

But money is funny.  And just because you can code your own coin does not mean you will be buying a building on Main Street for the school anytime soon.

But the interesting side angle of coding blockchain is the possibility for employment.  Only via employment have I ever been able to make any money in my life.  And I have made all of my money by way of being employed so I have a lot of faith in the employment method.  As long and the communists don't take over the country and close down all of the churches I should be able to maintain this lifestyle and the school by way of being employed.  I am currently employed and able to pay all the bills of the school and feed all of the members.

And having a bit of blockchain knowledge and blockchain skills could perhaps be turned in to additional income by way of finding some blockchain work that I could do remotely on my own schedule.  Seems impossible at this time but this guy on youtube said it can be done so it must be true.

There's a difference between an idea and the manifestation of that idea.  Or is there?  Once you have an idea it is a thing.  I think Napoleon Hill talked about this.  He sold a lot of books but never a single mention of God.  So I have to give credit to God for making this whole world in the first place.

But even before the internet, men had ideas.  Somebody had the idea to start IBM.  Somebody had the idea to start Ford Motor Company.  I wonder who that would have been.

And now with the internet and blogs, I can start the school overnight as I did on the day I had this idea.  So the school is now open and as I continue to develop the school I will also be development a curriculum on blockchain coding.  I may even send myself through the Ivan on Tech program for $697.  But I also may try to do it the hard way and just develop my own program from free stuff found on the internet.  I like Solidity by Example.


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