The Exponential Age

Raoul Pal talks about bitcoin and the exponential age.

I think he is spot on and I am going to sit here and watch it all happen.  Everybody who is alive is living through it right now.  Some are more aware than others of the financial opportunities being created.

My main objective is to not lose everything I own.  Other than that I don't care if I make any more money than I make on my job.  I can pay my bills and that is a blessing not to be overlooked.  Don't be the dog who dropped his bone in the water because he saw a bigger bone that was only a reflection.

But here's the thing.  I will bet there will be investment stories 20 years from now that will put Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google to shame.  If the governments and economies don't completely collapse.  And I think the odds are that the United States of America will stand.

Now what's to become of the finance industry remains to be seen.  Lots of people out there saying this de-fi thing is really going to be something.  I may not be able to participate in it like others will, and hopefully I will not lose my shirt like many will.  

I would be happy to have just bought one single share of Google back when it first came out just so I could watch my stock go up in price.  I don't need a new pair of shoes or a new car.  And I have plenty to eat and hopefully will be able to afford to put gasoline in my automobile for another twenty years.

Vince Lombardi coached his last season with quarterback Sonny Jurgensen in 1969.

I've got to look into dividend stocks, other stocks, and crypto coins.  Along with getting certified as a professional blockchain developer all within the next few weeks.  I've got plenty of work to be doing so don't expect to see me down at the bar playing pool.  And I don't own a Harley Davidson and I don't want one.  I've got a 2000 Ford Focus hatchback and that is good enough for me.  My shoes should last me a couple of more years at least.

I am working on forming a DAO that will be the basis for a 24 hour live broadcast television news channel along the lines of Superstation WTBS but on a local level.  I think $10,000 per month in advertising revenue would be a possibility.  Maybe $20,000 per month if it started to catch on.

It would take 4 full time staff working 40 hours a week to cover the news desk.  Then some freelance reporters filing live reports from around town.  Through the wee morning hours you could take calls from the audience and talk about local issue live on the air.

At ten dollars an hour that would be four 400 dollar paychecks that you would have to meet every week.  Would have to raise enough money from venture capital to have operation money for at least 5 years in order to give it a chance to catch a foothold.

The sports coverage would be the great challenge.  Could broadcast local high school football games just like Monday Night Football back in the early days with Howard Cosselle, Frank Gifford, and Dandy Don Meredith of Southern Meredith University.  

Except you would have high school students in the booth and running the cameras and the whole nine yards.  Slow motion replay with commentary would be the killer app.  All of the systems will need to be decentralized applications running on blockchain.

I am working on a decentralized application that will allow anybody to quickly set up a 24 hour live broadcast television news channel and give them the ability to cover news, weather, and sports on a local level in small towns in America.


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