Total Collapse

Now if the United States of America were to totally collapse that would put a whole 'nother light on the situation.  I guess kids should be aware of that possibility.  That's why church would have to be the number one priority.  If you're prepared for the end nothing can phase you.  If God grants you some other scenario where this is not the end but rather the beginning of an entirely new form of government structure similar to 1776, well then as far as I go, I will thank God for that.

There are a lot of preachers out there and the good ones are digging in.  Covering the church today is just as exciting as covering football back when I was a kid.  When I was a kid I probably could have started a blog supporting my favorite team and may have even gotten hired on by the team as a blog writer.  Today it's a different world.

As a young man just discovering the internet one of the first things I found was information that the IRS is a fraud and there is no law that says I have to pay any income tax.  Back then you got the same reaction of fear that we now have today when I say I don't want to wear a self suffocation muslim face covering.  It's against my religion and that's all you need to know.  There was a time when it seemed most people were for religious freedom but now things are getting more divided.

Franklin Graham says get the shot.  Greg Locke says up your nose with a rubber hose.  I know who's church I'd be heading to if I see the end coming again if those were the only two churches left in this country.  Soon I may not be able to cross state borders without my papers.  Boy howdy, could you imagine that right here in the greatest country in the world.  

What would the kids think about that.  What class would cover that situation?  Well, first-hour bible study class covers it pretty good.  Then 2nd-hour American history picks up on some loose ends.  Then if everybody ain't broke and in debt and can't come up with any operating capital maybe we could go from there.

My concern is the Dave Ramsey baby step program.  Dave says people forget to factor risk in to the equation.  Things like hurricanes, getting totally wiped out, planned fake pandemics, vaccination shot attacks, closing down churches, arresting pastors and putting them in jail, the total collapse of the United States.  Little things like that.  Things happen, and Dave likes to be overly prepared for the worst.

He's also fighting the good fight down there in Tennessee.  He sure doesn't like the masks any more than I do and he just held a big conference without masks or any social distancing in Texas.  Thank you Dave Ramsey.  The only reason I have the luxury of having the time to sit here and leisurely write endless commentary on whatever I feel like writing on, is because I have the money.  Life on the streets without money would not be any fun and the kids need to understand that and also understand how to solve that problem.

Pastor Murray was sent to North Korea back in 1950 and was lucky to be selected as one of the chosen few at the Chosin Resevoir.  I'm reading a book about that battle now.  That would have been a pretty tough tour of duty.  I thank God that I did not have to go through that and I pray that I never will.

But in the meantime I find myself in the same little battle that I think most adults find themselves in today.  With slightly different varying degrees depending on how much money they have in the bank and how much money they make.  And that is the battle of the bills.  One could think of it similar to slavery.  Well kept slaves who are now being asked on top of the 50 percent tax rate to wear a mask and get the jab.

So it is not as bad as being in the Jewish Ghetto in Germany in 1942.  But it could get there if history were to repeat itself.  A different time with all of the technology.  And if you start looking into this blockchain technology it seems you find yourself in a world where people are doing something.  They are doing something with a new technology.  A technology that has never been before.  And they say they are building a world where the people do truly have the power.  Of the people, by the people, and for the people.

So we all have a front row seat on our computer screens.  Let's see how things continue to develop.  Be sure to support Rodney Howard-Browne in Tampa, Fl.  Enjoy your morning.

P.S. So kids when it comes down to war, first we pray to God, then we do whatever you feel you need to do.  For me I feel I need to work the Dave Ramsey four walls program and continue to live the same baby step 1 lifestyle that got me to where I am today.  Beans and rice, rice and beans.  Run a way from debt like a gazelle running away from a cheetah.  

I got behind the Cisco certification track and aimed for the top.  I was about ten years late to the game but it got me out of a hole and got me to where I am today.  I see Richard Niles down in Lukenbach, Texas.  Sounds like a life right out of a song somewhere.

So everybody is doing their best.  I like looking at these Bankless guys.  What a bold and big vision and idea.  My hat is off to them.  I will enjoy watching what happens to them as the years go by.  I am hoping that I can live out the remainder of my life without ever having to get in to any physical altercations with other persons.  I would be fine with me if I even stayed out of court fighting against anybody.  I have been lucky for the most part on both fronts thus far.

I may start putting some money into some of these programs.  I already have a small amount in bitcoin, ethereum, and ada.  Now I am starting to look at it from the technical angle as well as the financial angle.  Ivan on Tech was saying how this new technology is like no other technology that has ever been in the way that it has the potential to disrupt the financial industry.


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