You Can't Get Away From God

Then the mariners were afraid, and cried every man unto his god, and cast forth the wares that were in the ship into the sea, to lighten it of them. But Jonah was gone down into the sides of the ship; and he lay, and was fast asleep.

Listen to Pastor Murray for awhile and then get to work. 

Pledge of Allegiance. 

Morning prayer.

Sam the Inspirational Nomad is out there.  It's Saturday for him too.  Thinkin' about either staying mobile or otherwise purchasing a condo.  I can relate to his situation and I decided on the condo.  You kids will have to decide for yourself just make sure you have enough money to afford whatever you choose.

Count your money.  Know exactly how much money you have down to the penny.  Dave Ramsey will tell you that, Sam the Nomad will tell you that.  Anybody that can't answer exactly how much money you have right down to the penny will fail the quiz.

Now look at how that money is invested.  Yes I said invested not in debt.  Kids you are not to go in to debt.  The borrower is the slave to the lender.  Listen to Dave Ramsey, he is preaching the truth.  He is focused on the business aspect and grounded in the word.  I like the guy.  Maybe he's not perfect but I can tell you straight up that neither am I.

So get your budget down.  I may invest in Dave's Every Dollar program.  I think that is a good program.  All of you kids are assigned to use Dave's Every Dollar program and I will be coming around and grading your programs.  Of course today we can do it all remotely so you kids also need to know how to use a computer.  And a smartphone.  Quite a different world than when I was a kid but it is the world God has given us for the moment.  Listen to Pastor Tony Spell for a couple of sermons if you start getting scared.  The bible says to fear not.

Ok kids get to work and remember that the kids who go through this school do not graduate until they decide to graduate.  This is a lifelong school and pertains differently depending on your age.

I am where I am.  The pastors are where they are.  Amongst these pastors you find a kind of military general mindset out of necessity.  It is quite obvious that the gospel armor, and whatever money we have, is all we have to defend ourselves.  And God wins.  I've read the back of the book.

I'll keep my political views over on Facebook.  I'll make a link to it from this blog, but the blog is the only place that one can truly blog.  So kids, all that is needed to enroll here is the ability to read this blog.  If you can read this blog and you choose to be a student then welcome aboard.  The objective is to give 90 percent to the church and live on the tithe.  

There are people in this world today that would be happy just to have a warm, safe, room to sleep in tonight.  I thank God that if everything goes according to plan I will have a warm and safe room to sleep in.  I am blessed to actually have a home.  

Right now I'm trying to tithe 10 percent and that is just on my net net living balance.  So yes I am very weak there but that is a personal thing between you and God.  I would like to start tithing more and that is my goal.  It is the spartan method that I have developed over the years.  I suggest you all do the same.

Unless you have too much money.  And I really doubt that you could ever have too much money.  The problem is the ones with all the money are using it for evil deeds but we do have a few exceptions and hopefully enough exceptions like Pastor Howard-Browne in Tampa.  I guess you have to lead, follow, or get out of the way in this world and I like RHB.  And Tony Spell, and John MacArthur and a whole host of Jack Trieber's out there.  

And there are a lot of folks who follow these leaders.  So it kind of starts to come down to a religious war.  And then you get the church-splits.  Well all we can do is to do the best we can like Sam the Nomad.  If Sam can keep going then so can I.  Thanks for the inspiration Sam!

The Amagansett Press angle is another angle I like.  I think there would be money to be made by developing a local television news program with more hard hitting Amagansett Press type journalism.  I think the key would be to keep it going 24 hours a day.  I'm working on determining what kind of money it would take to get such an operation going and ways to raise that capital.

I've got some T-Mobile stock, I've got some AT&T.  I hear they just stopped paying the dividend.  I want' all of you kids to be well versed in financial markets and investing.  Keep some in stocks and some in crypto.  Remember there is great risk in those markets so invest with care.  Keep about 95 percent of what you got in more conservative accounts.  Make the percentage mix from safer to more risky at your discretion.  If you lose everything you will be assigned to wash dishes until you have enough to start investing again.

If you're having trouble refer to Dave Ramsey's baby steps.

There will be a good bed for you in the barracks and meals will be provided.  Once you get back on your feet then you can do whatever you can afford to do.

Thant's all for today kids.  I've got to go and try to raise some money for my ideas.  Ninety percent of profits go to the church.  All accounting will be done via blockchain so there is no question that ninety percent is going to the church.  Every transaction will be public information on the blockchain.  Not public information as in some made up stock report where they say the CEO is not taking a huge salary while he's hanging out down in Cabo watching his stock pump for the dump.

In fact, the organization will not be an LLC.  It will be a DAO.  Decentralized Autonomous Organization.  Pomp asked his guest who will make the laws in the future and the guest said DAO's will.  It's the golden rule.  He who has the gold makes the rule.  And the new gold is bitcoin.  First I will need to get a Masters degree in blockchain development programming so I have plenty of work to do.

If you ever have to start over, remember, you're not starting over from scratch.  You're starting over from experience.  Have a great day kids, I'll try to report back to you here again soon depending on how much shrapnel I take between now and then.  Keep your heads down and try not to catch any stray bullets or falling knives.  I'll be available on the two-way if there is any emergency.  Goodnight.


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