Kids Coding Class

Investigate KBF White House Opportunity Zones.  Find a programmer that can help to train underprivileged kids how to code.  They can do it the same as they can learn to read and write.  The objective would be to get them to making $40 per hour without any debt.  Maybe start with young kids living at home and provide them with the opportunity to help support the household financially in time. The beautiful think about the coding skills is that the worker can work remote.  A child having to leave the household automatically weakens that household.  Allow them to stay at home while making money and only after a substantial savings and investment account has been established do they consider buying their own home and it can be purchased in the same geographical location as the parents.

The training is already available for free on the internet and a course could be put together that could be offered to the kids for free.  It would take many, many hours of study in order to achieve the goal.  If the goal was achieved money could be be saved for further education in other areas of interest.  The foundation would be the ability to make a high hourly wage working from home and build from there.  Working, saving, and investing from the get go.  Three purposes.  Growing businesses, building communities, and changing lives.  With a biblical perspective.  All importantly is the people and how we have to affect change.  The coding school will be a 24/7 online zoom conference.  We will look for student leaders who will be in attendance in that classroom eventually 24 hours a day.  Watching free videos, studying code, working on projects.  Advertising on upwork, fiverr, craigslist, etc. regarding help with shopify websites for starters.  I will need to start a free shopify webstite with a unstoppable domain and be working to form a DAO.

Blockchain Domain Names


What the opportunity zone could provide is a desk, computer, internet connection, and guidance in the zoom conference.  Have a professional computer programmer pulling a shift in that zoom conference room 24 hours a day seven days a week while distributing flyers throughout poor neighborhoods.  A kid would only need to have an interest and pass little interview just to have a panel on the opportunity zone decide if we wanted to invest in that kid or not.   An investment that paid off would be seeing that kid making $40 per hour from his home office and on his way to making over 100k and maybe even higher.  But even at $40 per hour or perhaps owning their own business where they can make even more for example a shopify business or any web based business that they can imagine and bring to profitability.  Would need the big dream that that opportunity zone would eventually develop a school of computer programming in the heart of that community that could graduate highly paid computer programmers every semester who grew up in that community and who are not buying property in that community and giving back to that community.

Money would be the motivator for the kid.  The kid would need to be motivated to change his life financially and willing to put in the work to make it in to a reality.  Hours hours of study and practice.  On the side I will try to do it myself and the worst case scenario would be that I keep my job and make my hourly wage and maintain my home and office at the same level of comfort that I currently enjoy.  For me my job is the key.  I can dream big things here at this blog but I better stay excellent on the job in the meantime and do everything I can on the job to get high marks on the job.  Don't get so excited about changing the world and then lose your job and end up on the street begging for food.

Dear Honourable Linda Dessau AC and Acting Premier James Merlino,

I am writing to demand that Pastor Paul Furlong be immediately released from incarceration and his charges be dismissed.

Right to Bail is Prima Facia in Victoria

Victoria’s classification of bail as a prima facia right with few exceptions (none which apply here) ought to be enough to ensure his rightful release.  However, the fact that he is being charged with a crime for an act that is to be PROTECTED under section 116 of the Australian Constitution should make holding Pastor Furlong without bail as unconscionable. 

Pastor Furlong’s Arrest and Detention Violate Australian Human Rights Act

Additionally, Pastor Furlong’s denial of bail is unmistakably a violation of Article 2 of the 1986 Human Rights Act which establishes that each State will “ensure to all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction the rights recognized in the present Covenant, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.” (emphasis added)

The Australian Human Rights Act of 1986 makes it unlawful for any government to discriminate based upon religion, especially when that discrimination “has the effect of nullifying or impairing equality of opportunity or occupation.”  When a law is passed that says that a person can go shopping but not to church, that law discriminates in favor of grocery stores to the unequal nullification or impairing of those employed in the church.  


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