Kingdom Buiness Fellowship

 It would take getting a big loan from the government.  And structuring the loan so that I would not be personally liable for it.  Have the opportunity zone take care of it.  I would just present the idea.  But what money is needed?  Well to give a kid real hope.  Tell the kid if he passes the classes and shows improvement and gets good grades he will not be kicked out of school.  Start him out with simple coding exercises and labs.  Recruiting for the scholarship would be the critical thing.  You would want to pick the kid who you think had the best chances of success and who was motivated to change his life and his family's life.  He'd have to be around 15 and have time to study.  Now even a kid who is playing football, or active in sports, or who has other things going on could qualify if he could commit one hour each day during the week and 2 hours on each day on the weekends.  The scholarship provides a desk and a coding workstation and free internet connection along with a nice ergonomic chair and a motivational poster to put on the wall right above the coding workstation.  The opportunity is there it's just that some underprivileged kids will never hear about it until long after they have graduated and gotten in to debt and are working 80 hours a week to support nine kids and a wife.  And I've been a working man dang near all my life but I keep on working.  As long as these two hands are fit to use.  I drink my beer in a tavern and cry a little bit of these working man blues.

And the other angle would be that I am that kid.  I have granted myself the home and the desk and the computer and the internet connection and I have a motivational poster right above my coding workstation.  The thing is that I am 58 years old but that is nothing and I could do it.  The thing is do I want to do it.  It takes a lot of work and effort to become a good coder.  They will try to sell you on how easy it is but it is hard.  I used to try to sell people on the CCIE program when I was all excited about it.  I would tell them how easy it is and how much money they would be making.  So coding is just like that.  Except I am not seeing any certifications that really stand out the way the CCIE used to stand out.  And I could go for CCIE Enterprise.  That would probably be the most conservative investment that I could make.  Ask the company to help me get CCIE Enterprise.  I already have the vIRL lab software.  

Apparently the software development industry has not come to a halt since I got my last web browser ten years ago.  Many developments in software and more coming all the time.  I'm looking at this Chrome web browser with Metamask extension.  What will they think of next.  Well apparently they are letting students use the racks for free now?  It appears that this just might be the case.  I'll forward this link to my work machine and see if I can work on the labs from my work machine.  That might be interesting because the cost of training is high and I think rack rental made up a good percentage of that.  If we now have free rack rental due to the racks now being virtual and in the cloud that could be a game changer.  If my employer would foot thee remainder of the cost.  Well it has always been the cost.  But before I would have to get the sign-off first to just get to the rack to start playing around.  Now apparently I have unlimited free rack time in the cloud?  Investigating further at this time.

(10584) Free CCNA VIRL Labs! Use only your web browser to access cloud labs! CCNA | CCNP | Python | Ansible - YouTube

Free VIRL labs from Cisco

The other angle would be to focus on my job and do the best I can on the job.  I had a good day yesterday on my Saturday swing shift.  Working from home I was able to work on a Cisco 4331 router RMA in Blacksburg, Virginia.  I stayed busy all day and I did it from the comfort of my own home and it was challenging and interesting work talking on the telephone on my computer voice headset while working on the keyboard.  And it pays better than hauling furniture up and down stairs in and out of various apartment homes throughout the greater DMV.  Yes the phrase certainly fits with my job, no heavy lifting.  So some would say that I have it made in the shade and I would have to agree.  Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise.

So I only have to do this good work for 40 hours per week.  And I get five weeks off per year soon to be six.  Yea I know if I did ever lose this job especially if I screwed up and did something stupid like call in and quit or get fired I know I would regret that terribly and I would give anything to have it back.  I've been there and done that.  The value of a good job in this world is not to be taken lightly.  Unlike the stupid get rich quick books tell you that I used to read back when I was dumber than a brick wall.  At least now I have come upon an even keel in the oceans of life and will soon be sailing to Colorado on the great Colorado summertime adventure where I will test my ability to move my operations from Virginia to Colorado and operate from Colorado for 9 weeks while only using 3 weeks of my vacation time by working remote from there.  Should be easy enough to pull off.  I already did it once over Christmas a couple of years ago before they put me on the no fly list along with millions of other people who don't want to wear the mask because they know it's all a lie just like 9/11 and the TSA and the IRS and professional sports even seems to be rigged.  That's why I would like to start a for profit little league sports league.  I think these kids need to learn about money from the get go and might as well get paid for their athletic prowess right along with their academic prowess.

How many people would like to have as much free time and money as I do to be able to sit in a nice home with no mortgage and work only 40 hours per week from that nice home not having any job commute.  Can you imagine not having any job commute.  Get up, get out of bed and you are at work.  And weekends off to write endless jibberish and watch TV or do whatever I want to do and have money to spend.  But the trick is to only do the free writing of jibberish and not spend any of the real money if that's what you want to call it.  The magic of money and how it is used to keep people at certain economic levels for the benefit of the one percent.  Or how it is used to help people start their own businesses and get out of debt and change their lives like Dave Ramsey says.  So I am following the Dave Ramsey baby step program and I have completed baby step seven and now I am going back to baby step one to repeat the entire cycle which is a concept that perhaps nobody other than myself has thought about but if they have then  they have.  But the concept is that if you are totally broke and totally in the hole and in total despair and you start in on the baby steps and fifteen years later you find yourself having completed baby step seven and you look and see that it is a simple calculation that the program took you from a point A net worth to a point B net worth for a return of whatever percent per year.  Dave says 10% is a good number and then the other factor is the size of your shovel.

Ove the last fifteen years I have been able to notch up my shovel size to the point where I am at now but it seems that I have hit a ceiling on my shovel size but my portfolio has grown by x amount.  So Isit here with my point B net worth and shovel size wondering how I will get to point C net worth and shovel size.  The only way to increase shovel size is to generate income.  The talk up all of this coding and programming remote work opportunity and that is interesting that knowing that technology can get you little side jobs whereas the network engineering skill that I possess is good for a nice job as I have but any side income opportunity using it does not seem to be there.  So I just thought that I will start a shopify store on a blockchain domain and advertise myself as a Shopify store handyman.  I could advertise on upwork and fiverr and see if I can make a return on my investment.  I could advertise the $5 special where I will take a quick look under the hood and not even need your password and login information but meet my customer in a webex room and show them how to look around and do it themselves.  If it becomes more involved then I have the opportunity to make a coding work sale.

Coding takes a lot of work and a lot of study.  Bob Schulz has his case before the Supreme Court.  God job Bob strong work and congratulations.  It takes sticking with something for a long time and the fight has been hell on both him and his wife but God bless him for doing what he did.  One man in the entire world.  We need to get out of Iraq and get things back on track and rebuild America first.  As far as I it seems easier to just sit around and write jibberish.  Don't have to think, but then again you do have to think.  I think there should be a school of opportunity for underprivileged kids and there are plenty around.  So what does that have to do with me Al Franken.  I used to think he was funny but he's a left wing dummy.  So I can just sit here and watch all the young kids make millions in coding like Ivan on Tech.  Good job Ivan.  What does it mean to me?  Nothing other than I find it interesting and like to read and watch about it on the computer sometimes to kill some time.  I've only got 20 maybe 30 years to kill and that will be it for me.

I could start a nomad youtube channel like Sam the Inspirational Nomad or a home-based youtube channel but it doesn't matter what kind of business you start it is going to take work.

2017-11-07 Spirit Led Business by KBF Tampa (



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