Kingdom Business Fellowship

Work three hours every day on Kingdom Business Fellowship.  It's not easy just like anything else but then again it's a lot easier than landing on Inchon Bay in North Korea back in 1950.  God doesn't like poor-me babies.  God likes can-do type people.  I need to work 40 hours every week as a network engineer.  Man how lucky can a man be?  I have my own private home and I don't even have to drive to work or go in to the office.  I work with some of the best network engineers in the world.  Network engineers who are at the top of their field.  And I get to support them and work with them and take care of their light work.  Thank you Lord Jesus.

And my cousin who drowned in the creek 46 years ago yesterday.  He never even had a chance to see what he could do in life.  And to think that sometimes I find myself feeling sorry for myself.  And I see young people on youtube born without arms or legs.  And I think I have it tough.  I think Vince Lombardi would laugh at me and tell me to get back out on the field and get to work.  I really like Pastor Eric of Kingdom Business Fellowship.

Working as a network engineer for a Tier 1 ISP in the united States of America.  How many guys in this world would say that I am a very lucky man indeed.  And having completed Dave Ramsey baby step 7.  And having gotten pretty close to becoming a CCIE!  That was the goal for so many years.  Hitting the gym, fasting, working out, fasting, studying, working, saving, applying for better jobs, working to get my CCIE and have it made in the shade.  Well I failed the exam 3 times and I kind of let it end right there.  It is a tough exam and that level of skill is not necessary to excel at my position.  In fact it is almost better to spend the time learning actual on-the-job skills and volunteering to cover weekends and holiday's when the need arises.  That gets me pretty much everything that these CCIE's that I work with every day except for the few extra dollars per hour.  And I really don't know how many extra dollars per hour I would get if I were to retake the exam again and pass it.  I'll have to talk to my boss about that when I get back from Colorado.

I see the June 1 KBF recording has not been posted yet.  I have plenty of past episodes to catch up on in the meantime.  You can see what's coming in Canon City, Colorado.  Nobody would even have looked twice at the land that Walmart is sitting on today.  Whoever did have is certainly no working  today.  So what kind of development will take place in the future and how will it look.  Planners say it will become the next Glendale, Arizona.  Huge growth coming.  But the thing is it takes years, and years, and years.  So I have my crypto in Coinbase and Gemini and I'm not really worried that the price of those coins will go up over the years, the thing I think is more likely to happen is that I will not be able to get logged in to my account and withdraw the money.  But nobody will ever sell bitcoin.  The price will just keep going higher and higher just like Pomp says.

The one thing that could start generating cash flow in a shorter period of time would be freelance website development.  Freemote has a program for $987.  I think I could do it just learning on my own for free. Plus like the other guy says it takes a lot of work.  It's critical to work with a team.  I am working with Pastor Eric and Kingdom Business Fellowship in Tampa, Florida.


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