
Anticipation is greater than actualization.  Sam the Inspirational Nomad made it down to the beach in south Florida and he is realizing that it is not all sunshine and roses.  My actualization of living in this condo in northern Virginia is not a bad actualization at all.  Due to the now remote aspect of my job and now being able to work remotely I can actually work from Colorado for a few weeks and then work from Virginia for a few weeks.  It actually is not all that bad.  And as of today it appears that we are still free to drive across the country without any hindrance from the government.  I am no longer able to fly but I might like driving even better.  It is actually fun and not that bad.  I can drive eight hours per day and I can fast while I am driving.  It's just as good as sitting around and doing nothing while I fast and even better in a way.  And I can listen to Pastor Murray on the radio all the way there and all the way back.  It will be a piece of cake.  Up early on Sunday, pack up the car, double check the apartment, and head out.  Quick stop at Dunkin Donuts to test the work computer on the wifi, fill up the tank and hit the road.  Three days of eight hours of interstate and I'm there.  Enjoy the traveling time.  See this great country from the road.  Thank God all the way there and all the way back for all of my blessings.  Enjoy my time there.  Relax and concentrate on the job.  Set up a nice work area in the corner of the small room in the lower level, get plenty of sleep.  Fast, walk, work, save, pray,  Eat one meal per day.


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