Kingdom Business Fellowship

Sam tells it like he see's it.  He hated New Jersey and loved Florida and he did what it took for him to make the move.  He's down there now and he's facing the problem of buying a home.  I was very lucky.  Maybe I make more than Sam makes or maybe I just saved for more years and spent less money over the years.  I was able to purchase a home in cash that is about 100k more than he is looking at and he is talking about taking out a loan.  He hates the thought of taking out a loan as much as I do.  Thank God I was able to get my home without having to borrow any money.  It still costs me $675 per month to live here just for property taxes and hoa.  Not to mention federal income taxes, state income taxes, auto insurance, home insurance, medical insurance, internet connection bill, phone bill, gasoline, automobile maintenance.  Not one thing I have listed there is unique to me.  Everybody is dealing with the high cost of living.  And people in the United States have got it made in the shade compared to people in other places of the world.  The UK seems to be nice and first world.  China seems to be wealthy and I guess the people are happy there.  With that many people there must be quite a few happy people.  And I'm sure there are many who are struggling.  The ones who are poor and struggling and oppressed and still are happy are the greatest people in the world.

I think what I'll do is to start a youtube channel and look for friends in other countries.  Maybe I will meet a nice lady on youtube who would like to get married and fight the battle with me until the end.  There are many old folks homes here in Reston, Virginia just like there are everywhere.  And old folk would prefer to be able to take care of himself but most times they are not able to.  Usually it's a combination of poor financial health and poor physical health.  So I could start a youtube channel and see how it goes.  There is no sense in thinking that I will ever make any more money on the side and as far as my job goes I have likely hit the ceiling as well.  So just like many others the die they are cast.  It does not take a rocket scientist to project my net worth at the time of burial.  You can look and see absolute best case scenario versus absolute worst case scenario and the absolute best case scenario does not involve any financial freedom above and beyond what I have as an employee.

So I will work as an employee for as long as I can, saving and investing as best as I can over that period of time, plan on a cheap funeral, cremation with a small service.  Whatever is less expensive.  I think maybe I will be able to cover the entire cost of my funeral and burial by selling my car.  That will leave me with no debt for anybody else to have to pay.  And whatever is left over will go to maybe one lucky kid.  Maybe I'll say find a kid who is five years old and who is facing a very bleak financial future if he doesn't get any help from anybody.  Give everything I have left over after burial and funeral expenses to this kid.  Along with the Dave Ramsey financial peace course and a lot of books on conservative, long term investing.  Watch the kid grow up and turn in to a totally useless bum.  That is the way things go.  If you don't learn it and earn it on your own you likely will burn it till it's gone.

So better yet I will give it to some church.  And tell them I want it to go to the kids department.  That's what I will do.  It seems that the church should be more business oriented.  But I am not condemning anybody's church.  Anybody who starts a church and tries to help the community is ok with me.  Howard-Browne in Florida has a business school.  Maybe I will look in to attending that business school.


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