Your Move

 I think Dave Ramsey pretty much nails it.  He has his critics but show me somebody who doesn't have any critics.  Critics come along with the territory.  You cannot be an outspoken leader who does not attract the devil and his minions.  Right now it looks like Inside Edition is going after him.  It is nice to see him fighting back.  We are in a war and this is no time for milk-toast wishy washers.  That's why I like Tony Spell, Howard-Brown, Pastor Tom, Pastor Sean, John MacArthur and the list goes on and on.  Bob Schulz.  Not to mention the long list of names on the Declaration of Independence and the great statesmen in American history.  You look at the so-called "education" that you got in public school and it seems pretty useless and that it could be greatly improved upon.  I think most boys and girls only went to school up to eighth grade and then it was time to go to work.  Having a kid work on a farm was put to profit by the early day farmers and probably still is today.  Kids only got room and board and they were glad to have it.

So we find ourselves in a fight with the money and the economy.  Not a person I know who doesn't have to watch his money and most figure they don't have enough and work to make more or work just to keep the wolves away from the door and keep a roof over their heads.  And if you can do that in this world be thankful to God for your blessings.  Dave Ramsey gets some sad calls.  A woman with anxiety trying to raise her daughter and her husband is basically useless and they are in so much student loan debt that they will never get out.  A sad situation indeed and one that could only be cured by the church.  Thinking about it now I didn't hear Dave recommend River Church in Tampa, Florida.  I think that would have been the best place for them.  Because I know that if times got so hopeless for me that's where I would be heading to.  And I might be heading that way before it's all over depending on how things go.

So I like River Church in Tampa as a hospital that should always be there, always be standing there for those who need medical attention.  If I am able to stand on my own two feet here in Reston, Virginia just watching the program online and listening to the program online then that is my best move.  To not move.  Not moving is sometimes one's best move.  In chess you do not have the option to not move.  That's what makes it a great game.  But in life sometimes you can not make a move.  Or maybe not making a move in life is making a move so maybe life is exactly like chess because you can't not make a move because not making a move is actually making a move.  But when it comes to selling your home and moving from Virginia to Tampa, Florida, that is making a move.  That is making a big move.  And not making that move is a good move for me to make at this point in time.

Because being a disciple of Dave Ramsey I have completed baby step 7.  Now Dave is a few million beyond baby step 7 and I think he is doing good things with his money and I think he gives to the church.  I wonder if he gives a strict 10% or if he lives on the tithe and gives 90%.  That is between him and his wife and the 147,000 working men and women of the IRS and is none of my business.  But I think he is doing good things.  He lives in luxury and so do I.  I think if somebody has completed baby step 7 and they live in a decent neighborhood in the united States of America that that is something to be thankful for and when you think about it once you complete baby step 7 you are basically one of the richest people in the world and are actually right on the same level as Dave Ramsey.  If you give everything to the church and live on less thank you make that is a good life believe you me.  I am one of the luckiest men alive.

So what to do now.  Well I will go ahead and start a school of opportunity for underprivileged kids.  In fact I have already done just that if you will notice the history link in the left hand column of this blog you can read all about it.  At this point the school is working with Kingdom Business Fellowship in Tampa, Florida.  As the founder of the school I am listening to the recordings of past shows while waiting for the posting of the recording from the most recent show.  Yesterday I listned to a first nations chief from up in northern Canada.  Man did he have a story to tell.  Young first nations youth committing suicide.  Thinking that death was better than the life that they were facing.  Don't think you got things too hard.  So the school is working with KBF and we are listening to the recordings.  See the link to KBF in the Foundations section at the top of the left hand column of this blog.  Leave your comments below on what you think is the best next move.


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