The Chosin Few

The Battle of Chosin Reservoir was an important battle in the Korean War.  A brutal 17-day battle in freezing weather.  

Watch your money kids.  And watch your health.  And listen to Pastor Tony Spell and other Pastor's that have kept their doors open for those who need to go to church.  I should go to church but I just listen to Pastor Arnold Murray on the radio and he say's that counts as going to church in the eyes of God.  There are many bedridden seniors in this world who can't get out and go to church.  And I'm trying to give 90% and live on the tithe like Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne says to do.   You can't beat God giving, no matter how you try.  Just as sure as you are living and Jesus is seated on high.  The more you give, the more he gives to you.  So just keep on giving because it's really true.   That you can't beat God giving.  No matter how you try.

So I see some youtubers who kind of have a negative perspective on life.  Now if they're youtube channel started making them $10,000 per month that would make them feel a little better.  That would be $5,000 after taxes.  And I think it's true how Sam the Inspirational Nomad says that trying to make more money is one of the surest ways to lose money.  I'm living baby step 1 style from here on out.  If you don't know about the baby steps go talk to Dave Ramsey.  The thing I might like to do in conjunction with that is to learn how to program.  That stuff gets pretty hard to understand sometimes but just like anything else you just keep at it and keep at it and pretty soon you know it.

The other choice I have is to just sit and write thousands of words that make no point because I already said the point and the point is Jesus.  Now I should probably get into a church.  But there is also division within churches so you tread lightly and don't bring up politics in a religious environment.  But I have to say that I have truly been given much by God and I need to work on giving back to his kingdom.

So The School of Opportunity for Underprivileged Kids comes to mind.  Even if I can't become a master programmer I can point kids in the direction of computer programming.  I suppose it is best to get a broad education about it, and then cover every protocol that is out there, and then start working more on just a few of them.  It seems that Javascript, CSS, and html make up a good core to get started with.  You have to decide if you like it or not though.  I dug in to the Cisco certification track and pretty much spent myself out on that one.  Lost 130 lbs, went to gym every day come hell or high water, out in front of the gym before it opens in sub zero weather doing jumping jacks.  It was easier to be motivated then and that was before covid.

Now all the gyms are closed, I'm working remote from home, and I gained back the 130 lbs plus another 20 or so.  I'm fighting my way back down though.  Along with writing, fasting is a good thing to do that I enjoy.  And you can do them both at the same time.  In fact you can fast while you are doing whatever you want to do.  If you are fasting, it doesn't matter what else you are doing, you are also fasting at the same time.  That's the great thing about fasting.  That and losing weight.  So we are stuck in this world fighting the battle of the bulge and the battle of the bank account.

Now there are many in this world who would say if you think you have it bad just look around.  And it becomes quite obvious that I have things relatively good.  I think it isn't a sin to want to make more money.  But it probably is a sin to want to make all of that money for yourself.  So you can buy a new car or wear a nice gold ring.  Well Jesse Duplantis and Kevin Copeland could explain more about that.  And I don't have anything bad to say against either of them or Pastor Jerry Savelle.  If you can wear nice clothes and drive nice cars and live in nice homes I don't think that is a sin.  And definitely the government should not be after the to close them down.

 So maybe I will be a preacher like brother Marcus Rogers, or brother Sean Feucht, or brother Pastor Greg Locke.  I like these characters and I am trying to keep giving to Life Tabernacle in Louisianna and Shepherd's Chapel in Gravette, Arkansas.  Here at The School of Opportunity for Underprivileged Kids, the kids learn about money from the git go in kindergarten.  And it's the baby steps that they are taught.  Give every kid a jar of pennies and have them count the pennies.  Have them save the pennies and have them invest the pennies.  There really is nothing like financial peace.  And as Sam the Inspirational Nomad will tell you, financial peace is a good thing.  I would not want to be living out of a car but he is doing it in order to achieve the goal of relocating from New Jersey to South Florida which I can relate to.  I was lucky enough to have lived in South Florida and I found it to be pretty cool.

Now living in Northern Virginia is not so bad either.  The summers get good and hot here for awhile and the winters are not all that bad.  They're a hell of a lot better when you have a nice home to live in.  Compared to a nice home, a nice car is nothing.  Kids here at the school are taught to invest in their home before anything else.  Dave Ramsey says the same thing.  Or I think he starts out with the 401k and then saving for the home on the side of that.  And a home mortgage is the one place he won't get mad at somebody for going in to debt.  But you have to find the right home don't make a bad decision on your home buying.  I came close to making a bad decision but God blessed me with the home that I went with.  Right as I was about to make a bad decision, God put this in front of me and blessed me with it.  And let me tell you, life is good living in a nice condo that is paid for in cash.  I still have to pay $675 per month in hoa and taxes but show me anywhere in this area where you're going to be able to rent a nice place like this for $675 per month and I'll show you and IRS agent that isn't breaking the law by collecting income taxes from you and for making the property taxes as high as they are.  Anybody who isn't complaining about taxes is basically blind as a bat.  People feel the pinch but they don't say anything about it.  That's why I like Bob Schulz and he finally has his case docketed at the Supreme Court.  Thank God for men like Bob Schulz.

Men that understand the difference between freedom and slavery.  The devil is smart though and he quotes scripture but he always twists a little bit at the end to make it in to a lie.  And ever since the war of 1776 he has been sucking more and more power to himself in pursuit of that one world government.  But there are also those who stand against him.  And I stand with those who stand against the devil.  In the tech world of computer programming you have these young kids who are totally focused on computer programming.  And now they are programming money.  So there is a fever pitch within the industry.  And I think that is a good thing.  While good patriots like Bob Schulz have been fending off the antichrist on the income tax front, others have been working on the technology front.  Also cybersecurity is a hot field.  And I have an in at work in cybersecurity as I do have the opportunity to dig in to that technology whenever a security ticket comes in.  I will need to start working harder on my Fortinet efforts.  That may pay off more than trying to get in to blockchain programming.  Blockchain programming is interesting but cybersecurity may be more likely to have some success.  The goal in that case would be to get my Fortinet certification and push for a raise and promotion to Engineer III.

That is probably a more conservative path to take.  Although you might say oh I don't like Fortinet, and I only want to do the Cisco tickets.  Well in that case your salary remains the same.  Or you could say I"m working on the CCIE.  I mean there is plenty of room to go just staying on the routing and switching course.  Routing and switching.  Meat and potatoes.  So I'm happy with my decision to go whole hog routing and switching after the IRS war back in double ott.  And I have pushed the enemy back to a certain degree.  I have established this position and am currently holding my ground.  Pastor Arnold Murray participated in the battle of the Chosin Resevoir in North Korea.  He knows more about warfare than most people.  And he has established his position in Gravette, Arkansas.  His boy Dennis is running the show now.  I like watching their program on TV.


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