Trade With Me Now

Continuing my notes from previous post found here...

Trade With Me Now (

So today is the date of this blog post.  I will make this a blog about my options trading adventure.  Anybody who is interested is welcome to follow along and post comments and I will answer you in the comments.

As of right now my number 1 business plan is Trade With Me Now by Michael Love

Trade With Me Now | Market Weather Masterclass And Trade Alert Service

My plan is to milk this program for everything that it is worth and then go from there.

I have my account set up for paper trading at TD Ameritrade using Think or Swim paper trading software.

The cost of the TWMN program is only $79 and there is a money back guarantee.

I will wait for all of my accounts to settle down from my trip to Colorado and let my property tax payment clear my bank.

I will play around with Think or Swim software in the meantime.

The total risk I will take on this program will be $79 for the trial, and maybe if I am happy with it at the 30 day mark, maybe another $79 to go full-time.  I am also waiting for an answer regarding is there any long-term commitment if I go for the full-time program at $79 per month, or can I cancel that membership at any time?  Waiting to hear back from them on that.  So far they have been answering my chat questions.

Obviously the goal is to find a good solid program that is real that I can learn and grow with for well I would say for years if there is such a program out there that is not a ripoff.  It would be hard to imagine that this guy is a rip-off if the $79 monthly fee could be cancelled at any time.  Like he says in his video, why would anybody continue to pay him $79 per month if he were ripping them off?

I would have to think that the program is paying off for anybody that decided to keep paying him the monthly fee otherwise why would they continue to pay him the monthly fee?  And he says he has hundreds of full-time members.

Let accounts settle.

Get answer about can I cancel anytime even if I decide to go full-time after the trial?

Buy in for $79.

Watch every training video.

Commit to two hours per day of study.

Trade every alert using Think or Swim trading software.

Spend as much time as possible in the live trading sessions as my day job will allow.

Stay committed for 30 solid days.

Max risk is $79.

If I don't like it I cancel in 30 days and move on to the next program.

Meanwhile I will sleep good at night knowing that I have a good job and I am focused on my day job and earning my paycheck and doing the best I can for my current employer.

If I can maintain good reviews at work and keep the paycheck coming in and always be improving and getting better and solidifying my position on the job for long term.  Shoveling money in to my 401k and conservative investments ie: cash holdings.  The only thing cash holdings would lose in theory would be devaluation due to inflation.  But there may be no more conservative liquid investments.

I will talk to my Dave Ramsey Smartvestor Pro on Wednesday to see what advice they have for me.

Maintain conservative accounts rock solid.

Maintain day job rock solid.  Always improving and getting better.  Always pushing for good reviews and being ready to accept promotion at any time.

Fast Walk Work Save Pray

Eat One Meal Per Day

Always dieting down my weight and walking two times per day.

Clothes clean, face shaved, hair cut.  House clean, car clean, clean house and organize stuff.

Draw out a pie chart.  95% of assets are very conservative.

Only a small percentage less than 5% of assets are in options trading.

So there you have it.  That is all there is for today.  Maybe a little bit more study as I feel like it.  No pressure, no big risks.  Sleep good at night with my retirement secure.  Work the rest of my career for my current employer until they won't let me work anymore or otherwise I am not able to work.  Sleep good at night.  Have good days of exercise, dieting, fasting, studying, working, saving, and praying.  Thank you Lord for all of my blessings and may you continue to bless me and all around me.  Thank you for the good Pastors who are pushing back against Communism in America and I pray that the end is not yet for freedom and liberty and personal prosperity and economic opportunity and nice homes and comfortable, peaceful lives.

I will have another status report tomorrow.  Same bat time, same bat channel.  All I want to do is to fast, walk, work, save, and pray.  If my life remains this good until the end I will have no complaints.  Number one is my day job and losing weight and saving money.  After that all of my spare time will be devoted to trading options.  Until next time, this is Don Quixote, signing off.


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