Trade With Me Now
Today is another good network engineering opportunity day. I have the opportunity to put in another good day at work. Working from home. When I was 25 years old I would have given my left nut to be able to work from anywhere in the world like this. They say they are going to call us back in to the office on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Camaraderie and all that good stuff. There could be some value in it. And now that I own my home just down the road from the office it will not be an impossible thing for me to do to go in to the office two days per week. In fact I would he happy to go back in to the office if it means resuming my guidance and tutelage under the watchful wing of the five star general as I had the great privilege of doing before the fake virus bomb dropped on the world.
So once again I have the opportunity. At 58 years of age the window of opportunity is rapidly closing, and I don't have any more big 5 year screw up chips to light a match to anymore. So I need to be ultra-conservative and pray that the world doesn't go to hell in the meantime. It could be like writing a blog through the rise and fall of the third reich. I could imagine being a telephone network engineer working for Deutch Telecom in 1941. Sitting in an office in downtown Berlin and watching it all go down from the front page of the newspaper and on the radio and hearing things at the office. Going back to a small flat each night and writing in my journal like Winston Smith in 1984.
But enough of that hogwash as Peggy Hall would call it. I've got bigger fish frying me right now like my property taxes and my home owners association fees and my income taxes and my Reston Association fees and my grocery bill and my internet bill and my automobile upkeep and insurance and homeowners insurance and gasoline and savings and investing.
I follow Dave Ramsey and I have completed baby step 7 and thank God for that. I see homeless people here working the street corners. Thank God for my health and my ability to pay my bills and live in my house and work my job and drink my black coffee and ice water in peace and serenity. Thank you Lord Jesus. I'd say keep an eye on my facebook if you would like to get to know me better. I may soon be in facebook jail and perhaps banned from twitter. Could you imagine Ernest Hemmingway or Jack London writing in the year 2021. What kind of story could Jack London come up for a character living in the year 2021.
Today is the options trading course at Fidelity. Here is the course outline.
PowerPoint Presentation (
I will try to listen in a little bit but my focus will be on my day job and if there is a ticket to work then there is a ticket to work and I thank God that there is a ticket to work and I get to work the ticket and get paid for working the ticket. It is only my ability to work tickets and get paid to work tickets that I am even able to even think about trading options. But because I have worked so hard at working tickets and developing my skill an ability to work tickets for so long and for so many hours I am now living in a paid for home with a good retirement account and some money to think about putting in to an options trading program and the time to be able to take a look at an options trading program.
They keep everybody so strapped for time and money that nobody has any time or money to put towards an escape plan. Anybody that has any sense or has been beaten in the head enough times knows not to frivioulsly spend any money that they do come across or gamble their money away or drink away their money. Any fool knows that and yet here I am after many crests of fool's hill writing words on a blog that generates no income yet could begin to generate income if I put my mind to it and connected it to a youtube channel and a twitter page and a facebook page and started promoting the blog. I would have to be a blog about trading options and I would have to promote it on facebook along with everything else and I would have to be making money myself first and I would have to be able to help other people make money by trading options. The will be millions of people rushing to the markets to trade options, more than any time in history. Millions of people are looking for an escape plan. Many haven't got the wherewithall to even look for a plan or to even think about any plan that has any remote possibility of setting the free, but at the same time there are millions who do. Maybe a billion. I doesn't matter though. My escape plan is to work my network engineering job and trade options. I haven't got time for anything else.
Time for me to go look and my Think or Swim paper money account. And check if my accounts have settled and if so move some money around and get ready to start my Trade With Me Now options trading program next week. It will require 7 days of effort per week with as much time as I can put in to it every day. Tuesday's and Wednesday's have scheduled events and Saturday mornings there is training. I will put in as much effort as I can every day for 30 days while fasting and drinking black coffee and ice water and cutting my weight and working my network engineering job that God has so richly blessed me with and thinking about how if I ever did start making any money in this options trading business how I could give back to those less fortunate and continue to develop the School of Opportunity for Underprivileged Kids.
TWMN Masterclass | Trade With Me Now
The post you just read is a continuation from yesterday's post here.
Trade With Me Now (
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