Trade With Me Now Day 1
Today is the day I sign up for my first options trading course. Trade With Me Now. I will endeavor to attend the Saturday training today at 11 AM ET.
I just spent $79.
The "Second Look" offer link changed to the bump-up for lifetime membership link.
1 Year Masterclass Alerts (Special 50% Discount RTG) (
Now it changed to "Second Look" at the bump-up offer.
6 Months of Masterclass Alerts (Special 50% Discount RTG) (
I'll skip on both of them and see if I can make back my $79. If I can make back my $79 I will consider this to have been a huge success.
Now it changes to the once-in-a-lifetime super secret special offer link.
LEGACY ($99/m Special Discount RTG) (
I'll pass on this one too.
If I can make back my $79 my hat will be off to him and I'll pay full price for the full-time program. He's already said the full-time program will only be $79 per month if I sign up within 30 days of my 30 day mark. He's a good salesman, and a good internet marketer, and says he's also a good chef in Miami. Well God bless you Mr. Michael Love. Let's see if you can help me to make back my $79 in the first 30 days.
I got an email from him and a Thank your for your purchase! page here.
Order Summary: #9491941 (
So at this point I'm not feeling totally ripped off yet. I'll see if I can make the today's training at 11 AM ET..
ORDER NO. 9491941
Log in here.
Trade With Me Now (
I can't see how to join today's live training class so I will just start at the starting point.
Trade With Me Now (
So far it looks pretty good. I'll just start out at the beginning and work my way through to the end. Then I'll repeat that process a couple of times all the while trying to follow his trade alerts on paper in Think or Swim. If I can commit one hour per day that should be sufficient. And stick with it for 30 days which would be 30 hours. I'll start a study log now.
I just received a text message reminder for today's class but I still don't know how to get in to the class. I sent a text message back asking how do I get in to the class.
Looks like I missed the first Saturday training. I will make up for it by spending the time reading the course materials and watching the course videos. Obviously there is about a year's worth of full-time work just to go through this course. I will try to attend every live class that I can and spend a minimum of 1 hour per day working on the program. I may invest more than 1 hour per day but I would like to set a minimum of 1 hour per day.
(8) Trade With Me Now | Facebook
All live sessions recorded for you to replay at your convenience
I really like this. Good show old man.
At the end of this document is an actual checklist, that you can
literally check off when you have completed a step. It sounds
elementary, but it works. 89.7% of our members who are now fulltime
members and making money each week with our trade alerts,
say they followed the checklist…to the letter. Hmmmmm….
STEP ONE: You will receive a test alert from a toll free number…It will ask
you to reply with “TWMN” to activate your trade alerts.
Read overall market internals first.
First check the market weather.
First check the overall market outlook.
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