Trade With Me Now Day 15 Saturday

It might come down to where just adding an entry to my journal here and doing a little bit of staring at the options stuff will be considered a success.  In fact I already consider that to be a success.  Today is live training day at 11. And I hang out in the facebook group every day hoping to learn something and make some friends.

Jason Stump makes a great post to the facebook group.  He has it a lot tougher than I do working in manufacturing all day and not being able to do anything while he's at work.  Also sounds like he's tight on the money as well.  But he's in there giving it a shot.  And Gail Loudner in the replies in in the same boat.

From facebook today.

Eleazer DeGuzman

Ben Kemp my name is Gus and been trading for some time. First, for my wife and myself but, now, I opened a couple of accounts and started trading them for my "monthly expenses" the other one for my first grand childs' college education.

I am trading following a simple rule, playing straight Call and Put options. I follow, mostly the FANG stocks, QQQ, SPY. I'm sure you're aware of the FANG stocks, FB, AAPL, AMZN, NFLX, GOOG. I also follow MSFT.

Not sure if you have seen a couple of post I did, on this platform, but, my Rule is, I buy a Call and hold it till the stock price tells me to Sell and then Buy a PUT. This strategy is VERY conservative but beats the heck out of any CD. I can share my Rule and more, if you wish.

Eleazer DeGuzman

Ben Kemp I shared this same one once on TWMN chat but, here it is again. I trade using TOS, don't know anything about TS. TOS offers the Heikin Ashi candle in addition to Candlesticks and for now I have my charts in Heikin Ashi Candles. My chart set up while following the trade I mentioned, has 2 EMAs. One is a 2 Day EMA, colored Green and a Displaced EMA with a setting of 3 and 3 and colored it Red. My lower indicators are MACD(2 lines only). And recently I added another one, the Paraboli Sar.

The Rule I follow is very simple. After buying a position, let's say, AAPL, I SELL on the first RED Heikin Ashi candle, ONLY IF the MACD is Bearish, otherwise, I hang on. If you CAN NOT use Heinkin Ashi Candle, then you can follow the EMAs. Anytime the 2 EMA crosses down the Displaced EMA and the MACD Is Bearish or slopping downwards, then time to SELL.

Right now, I"m not on AAPL, yet. The MACD for AAPL is still Bearish and the current Heikin Ashi candle is RED. Once it turns GREEN and the MACD becomes BULLISH, I will BUY. That's the rule I follow religiously and it is working good for me. Sold AAPL and MSFT recently and just waiting to get back in again. Jult sold AMD also and will be getting back in to all 3 of them because, currently, the Parabolic Sar, is indicating that all 3 are still controlled by BULLS.

These are MY strategy I follow, not from any professionals, just something I learned over the years of trading. And I am not complaining cause it is giving me my "monthly expenses and more". Hope this can help you guys like it's helping me. This the only strategy where I use straight CALLS or PUTS, most of my trades are Verticals, Calendars and Butterflies when situations call for any of the three.


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