Trade With Me Now Day 31 Monday - Week 5 of trade alerts

It's an interesting game.  A psychological game.  Always dealing with self doubt.  Wondering if this is something you can actually be successful at.  I've built that in to my plan though.  I don't care if I ever make a penny.  All I am going to do is to paper trade until the day I die.  All I have to do is to start up a training video, while listening and watching to training video check my trade tracker, read my trading plan, read the checklist, read the ebook, relax and get older.  My bills are covered by my job.  My job should take me the rest of the way as long as I am able to do it.  And the nature of my job is such that all I have to be able to do is to use my mind and type on the keyboard and talk on the phone.  So physically and mentally my job is quite the same as my options trading business.  The difference is that there is no stress on my job.  My job along with the Dave Ramsey baby step 1 four walls program investing 15% into my 401k is probably the most conservative plan that could be imagined for the common man.  And all I am doing is paper trading in my options trading business so I have it locked at $89 per month operating expense.  Not worried about making even a single penny.  I just enjoy watching the markets and listening to a trading guru try to teach me how to be one myself.  Good fun.  Relaxing.  No risk.  On my way to the nursing home.  Show me a better plan.  I'm all ears.

It all comes down to the trades.  Getting the trade alerts.  Tracking the trades.  Analyzing the trades.  Studying the trades.  That is all there is to this business.  Tracking trades.  Tracking trades.  Tracking trades.  Watching the videos.  Refining the trading plan.  Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.  It's impossible to learn everything all at once.  Learning anything takes time.  Nobody can learn something without spending time reading, watching, and studying.  Learning how to trade stock options is no different.  It takes time and effort.  I'm only on day 31 week 5 of trade alerts.  I need to keep at this until day 365 week 52 of trade alerts before I can even hope to know a fraction of what needs to be known to be a profitable stock options trader.  That's just the way it is.  Paper trade until they bury me and live on my paycheck and eventually when I am no longer able to get out of bed without help from a team of nurses then I'll just listen to Pastor Murray read from the bible and start getting ready to go on to the next life. My goal is to enter and exit 1000 trades on paper before I ever trade any real money.  And these would be my own paper trades executed on the platform.  I will try to trade ML's alerts.  I will track every one of ML's alerts and I will also have a tracker for trades that I was able to get in to on the platform.


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