
Showing posts from October, 2021

Trade With Me Now Day 100 Sunday

well shit the bed if this ain't day 100.  and on a sunday too.  today is weekly preview day.  time to preview week 15.  week 14 is in the rear view and so is october.  review week 13 and week 14 and preview week 15.  ml says he's going to put out a video tomorrow for monday morning market outlook so really all i have to do is to wait for that and to wait for the text alert that will announce it and then watch it right at the text becasue thanks to the grace of god and the love of jesus christ which is not a religion it is a reality i have the time and the money and the resources to operate this business. i would sincerely believe that there are many many millions if not billions of God's children who could only wish that they had things as good as i do.  with God's help I will never be one of the homeless and my health will hold out long enough for me to put enough in the bank to be able to pay somebody to wipe my ass once i am no longer to do so on my...

Trade With Me Now Day 99 Saturday

day 99 tomorrow is day 100 going for day 20,000 today is live training with ml as long as twmn is alive and i can stay in for only 79 per month then i'm in if twmn dies then i go to next service that is still alive that i can afford for example for only 99 per month and i should always be able to find one that has a low monthly fee i think thatbusiness model is too easy money for somebody that can actually trade and likes to teach others how to trade.

Trade With Me Now Day 98 Friday

getting close to my first 100 days.  may have to write a speech.  changing finviz heat map link in left hand side column from finviz heat map to finviz home page.  i can see the heat map right from there and lots of other good stuff too.  will close out my starbucks and be in mostly cash heading in to the weekend.

Trade With Me Now Day 97 Thursday

it comes down to doing a little bit every day.  and then some days you will do a lot.  but you have to be sure to to a little bit at least every day and you have to do it every day until the day comes when they dig that hole in the ground and put you in it.  i did my morning mwr and now i get rewarded by allowing myself now and only now after looking at the market weather report to now look at my profit and loss.  a relaxed style of swing trading with zero emotion.

Trade With Me Now Day 96 Wednesday

sleeping too much.  got the total mwr report down just after the bell.  getting this log entry done just after the bell.  now time to check profit and loss and look at my trackers and get automatic order put in for getting out of my straight call for this friday in trade station.  all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.

Trade With Me Now Day 95 Tuesday

refining market weather report for speed.  refining winter season methodology.  waiting for the jab call from work.  seasons change and lessons get learned.

Trade With Me Now Day 94 Monday

punching down day 94 monday

Trade With Me Now Day 93 Sunday

punched down t-mobile fidelity 401k long term investing portfolio analysis spreadsheet.  working on market weather report and then will check profit and loss and get ready for monday marke outlook from ml tomorrow.  also working on my crypto issue with coinbase not able to get signed in to my coinbase account 2fa after rebuilding phone to fix virus.  sent coinbase verification photo and working with coinbase support.

Trade With Me Now Day 92 Saturday

discipline over vision.  saturday morning live today at 11.  swing shift tonight.  working mwr and punch down list.

Trade With Me Now Day 91 Friday

day 91.  got three open trades.  one on my own and two with ml. the one on my own is a straight call in trade station.  MSFT 10/22 305 call for 3.50 right now it's up. trading plan says do exactly as ml. i went in on this one on my own in order to practice the trade station trade manager and options station pro options trader. so here i have to revise my trading plan to include what the hell do i do if i get in to a trade on my own? for right now i'll say i want 50% profit and i'm happy.  if i can get out with 50% profit i'm happy as a tic on a fat dog. ml's text alert says his trading plan says get out at 60% on strength or something like that. You could close MTCH here or take off half of your position if you have more than one. Nearly 60% and my trading plan has me sell into a strength day like this. Closing half my 160/165 verts @3.80.

Trade With Me Now Day 90 Thursday

market weather report check open trades look at watchlist

Trade With Me Now Day 89 Wednesday

Wednesday night live training tonight.  Gotta get this Market Weather Report done before the bell.

Trade With Me Now Day 88 Tuesday

week 13.  tuesday. two open trades.  one for this friday.  one for 19 november.  the one for this friday will expire on this friday so that is the one that i need to manage.  the one that expires on 19 november expires on 19 november so i don't need to worry about that for awhile.  one has max profit potential of infinity because it is a single call. i opened the trade using the trade station platform.  the main purpose of this paper trade is to learn more about and become better at the trade station paper trading simulator platform and i took the single call because my experience has been that the trade station paper trading simulator will not fill an options spread limit order.  i have never had an issue with it filling a single call option and it seemed to work basically flawlessly on this one too. and interestingly at this point i am thinking that i should be able to get out of it in the green.  but the main purpose of this trade was to g...

Trade With Me Now Day 87 Monday

starting week 13 watching alerts for paper trade number 9

Trade With Me Now Day 86 Sunday

watching yesterday's saturday live.  analyzing my best paper trade ever on msft.  doing market weather report.

Trade With Me Now Day 85 Saturday

listening to ML sell the legacy and legacy elite programs.  i like his program.  if i just want to pay my $79 per month while i get 16 hours of daily instruction and all of this value that i can't even keep up with if i work 24 hours a day with rapidly incoming live sessions to attend.  i'll hedge my bet.  if this is a scam i couldn't care less.  i'll hack away at it like a big giant redwood oak tree that there is no way in hell that one man could ever chop it down in ten lifetimes.  and i will die with a hammer in my hand praising God every day and studying with pastor murray every night until i have memorized the bible and i'm ready for the final exam on judgement day.

Trade With Me Now Day 84 Friday

working on market weather report, trading plan, New Course Outline Study Log.  should get out of MSFT in the green today.  waiting for tweet from the great one.

Trade With Me Now Day 83 Thursday

getting new course outline study guide good. working on TMT.  will hold trades down to one open trade at a time, maybe two at the most.  but one is best as long as you are working while you are being patient.

Trade With Me Now Day 82 Wednesday

Took some profit on TSLA yesterday following the alert.  Working on trading plan and trackers today.  Week 12.

Trade With Me Now Day 81 Tuesday

Starting week 12 in the program.  Managing trade 5 and trade 7 for 10/15 expiration.,

Trade With Me Now Day 80 Monday

I'm still here and so is ML and TWMN and everybody else that is still here.  Working my trading plan.  Do MWR then look at trackers.  First and foremost, a relaxed style of swing trading with ZERO EMOTION

Trade With Me Now Day 79 Sunday

Listening to training videos.  Working on trade trackers and trading plan.  Heading in to week #11.  I'm on paper trade number 7 on fresh new trade tracker.

Trade With Me Now Day 78 Saturday

Closed out three trades on Thursday yesterday.  Working on trade trackers and trading plan.  Live training today at 11 AM.

Trade With Me Now Day 77 Friday

I got two trades that expire today.  ZS and MSFT.  Hoping to get out green.

Trade With Me Now Day 76 Thursday

Dusty says the markets should be up today.  Doing MWR now.

Trade With Me Now Day 75 Wednesday

Goal is to get my post timestamp here before 0830 four days a week.  If I was better maybe I would try for 7 days a week.  I guess we'll see how much faith I have in God above.  Thank you Lord for this day.  Please give my mother comfort and peace of mind and healing.  Amen.

Trade With Me Now Day 74 Tuesday

This is my week number 11 in the program.  Waiting for trade alert number 29.  We've got two in the fire right now.  After hit 25 trades on this new tracker I will reset everything and do a fresh new 25 trade alerts.  First and foremost a relaxed style of swing trading with ZERO EMOTION.

Trade With Me Now Day 73 Monday

This is a noble effort.  And if I can keep it up until the day they bury me I will consider it to have been a success.  Everything hinges on the economy and the day job.  If the economy and the day job hold out that alone should provide me the means to continue my trading business on the side.  Invest $100 per month to keep my trade alerts and trade trackers and live training sessions.  Put in a little bit of effort every day.  As much as I can.  First and foremost a relaxed from of swing trading with ZERO EMOTION.

Trade With Me Now Day 72 Sunday

Well I'm getting in a little bit of work every day.  My goal is to receive, follow, trade in the simulator, and track 1,000 ML trade alerts before I die.  And to never miss a single one.  Working on trading plan, trades, and trade trackers at this time.  Doing Market Weather Report.  First and foremost a relaxed style of swing trading with ZERO EMOTION.

Trade With Me Now Day 71 Saturday

First and foremost, a relaxed style of swing trading with ZERO EMOTION Listening to ML on Saturday morning live training.  Working on New Course Outline Study Log, trading plan, and trade trackers.

Trade With Me Now Day 70 Friday

First and foremost, a relaxed style of swing trading with ZERO EMOTION Working on  trade trackers trading plan watching videos study guide outline got two open trades ZS MSFT