Trade With Me Now Day 129 Monday

went to eye doctor.  working on new glasses and fixing up old glasses and inventrorying all glasses and making sure i got good glasses and i'm all set for eye glasses.  very critical tool for me in my business.  got old pair fixed up nice and spiffy.  new pair on the way.  other old pairs and new pairs bought online using my new prescreiption from nvdo has me pretty well set up with  eye glases and good to go.  next big purchase wil be ne 17" laptop computer but that can probably wait until this one bites the dust which may be a few more years.  home is solid at the moment good lord willing and the creek dont rise thank you Lord Jesus and praise God for my man blessings.  ml went wild today on a monday with 4 new trades.  i'm sitting here shitting the bed trying to keep up with him.


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