Trade With Me Now Day 156 Sunday

must have missed my journal post yesterday moving in to first week of 2022 signed up 7/27 six payments of $79 for total of $474 total investment in 2021 79 times 12 is 948 for 2022 and then will maybe start making some trades with real money starting in 2023 which gives me the first and foremost of a relaxed style of swing trading with no emotion sleeping well at night with the dave ramsey baby step 1 four walls motley fool program in perpetuity and that is the foundation so for the school of opportunity for underprivileged kids first they get a job and then they report to the school with how much money they make and the school tells them what to do with it mainly put it to work in the dave ramsey baby steps program and once they have gotten to baby step 6 and paid off all debt and are saving 15% and investing 15% and then you take a percentage of that savings and trade with it just like i am doing but first is to get your home paid for in cash and to own real estate as your primary residence parents have school  choice and you give the parents the best choice because there children will be in good shape financially come graduation day and physically as sports will be up front and center will need a physical education program i think shifu yan le would be the good choice

Parents rights just put a republican in the governor's mansion in Virginia.  Give parents a choice.  The school is free.  All students receive a full ride scholarship upon enrollment.  The day starts out with prayer and bible study.  Then physical fitness.  Then reading writing and arithmetic.  Well it's a nice thought but it takes a lot of money.   And the government might fight back if you had the kids working a job at an early age.  Could be possible maybe.  The kid shows up early and works hard till late at night and then goes home and does chores for the parents.  Well I'll leave that up to the world to figure out.  Right now I have to just work my own plan and keep my own self above water.  Maybe if I were king of the world I would buy four-mile and see what I could do with it.  Step one would be to hire a preacher to run the show and he would have to be a Shepherds Chapel student so that would narrow it down right there.  I would say 1 hour of pastor Murray to start the day, pledge of alegiece, American history.  It's just too much to take on and would cost millions if not hundreds of thousands.  I'll just worry about paying my home owners association fees and property taxes and operational expenses and saving every penny that I can squeeze my fingers on once the dust has settled.


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