Trade With Me Now Day 163 Sunday

buy the 50 Murray doing market weather report looking at profit and loss market weather report includes long-term mid-term and short-term investment objectives working for a paycheck and investing my paycheck is all i do good morning if i make this daily post and look at my mwr looks and reads then i have won the day and if you win every day you win the game you will get a job which will generate a paycheck which will be used to pay your bills and whatever is left over you will invest and you only have 24 hours per day same as bill gates and warren buffet i'll go with one guru at a time every day until the day they bury me which should be within 20 years or maybe 30 if the good Lord graces me with such longevity i'm not sure at what age robert edward lee passed on upon exhaustion of one guru i will move to the next guru although ml here is still earning my 79 per month and i am not in the looking for a new guru mode yet and if ml can get me up to a smooth equity curve then i may never need to find another guru although the investment and trading game is ever growing and expanding on each individual basis


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