Trade With Me Now Day 167 Thursday

there's somebody on the internet somewhere who says they can show you how to make money.  they will show you and they will teach you but it is going to cost you.  so the question is how much is it going to cost me.  well dave ramsey has helped me to get to where i am and it hasn't cost me a penny.  i have never sent him a single penny and i have used his system to get all the way through baby step number 7 and now i am working his baby step one program from the beginning in perpetuity along with his four walls program.  so my hat is off to dave ramsey.  now michael love says he can teach me how to make money by trading options and his cost is $79 per month or you could think of it as $20 per week.  so i says to myself i can affort $20 per week and then it is just a matter of sticking with the program until they bury me.  daves program didn't take any time because it's so simple.  work your job for all it's worth and save every penny.  and i guess i was also following the ken coleman method of working towards a better job and a more satisfying job.  and for 20 years i studied ccie in order to do just that.  and after one, two, three moves on the chessboard i find myself here.  i am done with the ccie study deciding that the risk reward ratio was not appealing to me.  kind of like the idiot who drops his little bone to get a big bone from the reflection in the pool of water.  well my plan should work.  i should have food clothing and shelter until the day i die good lord willing and the creek don't rise.  thank you God for my blessings.  now to look at the market weather report.

I think I need to start writing more properly.  Yes, this blog will be here forever, or at least in theory would be here forever.  There is no reason that some young person might not come across this blog in the year 2097 and read it.  What would that young person think?  How will the world be then?  God will still be on the throne.  He is the same yesterday as He is today as He will be forever.


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