That and a quarter will get you a cup of coffee.

Here's my opinion.  Not that anybody gives a damn about my opinion but here it is in case you might.  Blogs are the most powerful thing since sliced bread.  But most people are morons and couldn't blog their way out of a wet paper bag.  I worked my ass off trying to make the scum down at the so called internal revenue service more aptly named people who steal for a living.  After they put me in checkmate I regrouped and started a new blog trying to get every elected official in the country to start their own blog and post a status report to their constituents every day.  That effort got me kicked out of a rah rah meeting with then congressman now senator Johnny dipfuck Isacsson in the great free state of Georgia.

So if you don't save every penny you ever make and put it straight in the bank starting with your first paper route you are an idiot.  The so-called public education system is churning out gullible woke debt worshippers who apparently can easily be terrorized into going out into mobs on the street and pulling down statues of Ben Franklin while chanting down with America.

This is the world we find ourselves in today.  I tried to warn everybody 20 years ago not to let the camel's nose under the tent and I was not the only one by any means and others have been warning us for years and decades and generations and millenniums all the way back to Jesus Christ and before.  Ask John MacArthur.  He will tell you.

So there you have it.  That's it in a nutshell.  So what does it all mean to me, Al Franken?

Love God, repent, work hard, get the next paycheck, make sure you are the best guy that your boss has working for him.  Make sure you bust your ass and if they ever did fire you or shut down your business for being a Christian and going to church, then make sure your boss and co-workers will give you a good reference when you go to find another job.  If your boss and co-workers are part of the left wing cancel culture mob then God help you and be glad you banked every paycheck for the rug pull.


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