The Life Preparatory School for Boys

King Randall, I. may read this.  And I guess I must say that King Randall, I. is the reason that I am writing this first post on this new blog that I haven't written on in some time.

The thought of a small, local, grassroots, real, true, school of opportunity for underprivileged kids.  Or as he calls it, a life preparatory school for boys.  Certainly the concept goes back as far as man himself, all the way back to Adam and Noah and Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all of the twelve tribes.  Solidifying in the new country of America in the early 1700's on through the Revolutionary War and the Civil War and World War I and World War II and Korea and Viet Nam and Iraq and now on to the Twitter War of Twenty Three.

All gave some.  Some gave all.

They say General Lee was a brilliant defensive mind and that's what won him the war.  Well the story goes that it was a bunch of white people in the south that liked to keep black people as slaves, against a bunch of white people in the north that wanted to free the black man and give him all of the rights that he enjoys today.  And then all of a sudden everybody has to have a vaccine passport to be allowed to have any rights at all no matter what color your skin is, and no matter who you are.  No choice.  Take the jab or you are toast.  Ask a lot of doctors about it.  Doctors.  Any kids in your school gonna end up bein' a doctor?  If I was a betting man I might make a bet on how many kids in your school going to be a doctor in ten years.

Well, maybe that doesn't mean anything.  Who cares who is a doctor and who has never cracked a book in his life?  Look at Henry Ford.  Look at Mark Twain.  Look at the cable guy or the pastor down at the local church.  Who's to bless and who's to blame?

So I now see we here at The School of Opportunity for Underprivileged Kids now have some competition.  The Life Preparatory School for Boys is good competition indeed.  It is competition and the American way that has made this the greatest country in the history of the world and it is exactly that which has the only hope of keeping this experiment alive for another couple of generations and with some help from God almighty maybe even longer than that.  At least until Jesu returns the battle rages on.  And then Jesus will finish it and what a day of rejoicing that will be!

And in the meantime we have work to do here on earth.  And The School of Opportunity for Underprivileged Kids is up for the challenge.  Well for starters I'd like to see your books.  What kind of money have you got?  Well our overhead here is zero.  We exist only on line at individual blogs throughout the interwebs.  Currently it is only me.  I am the CEO and the Janitor.  The Network Engineer and the Senior Director of North American Operations.   At this point we have no students but I believe that the time has come that I step up to the challenge of leading this organization into war.  The war for the very heart and soul of underprivileged boys in the united States of America.

Well the other school is all black.  And that is fine and that is good and Martin Luther King Jr. had the right idea.  So get MLK Jr. up front and center in front of those boys and have 'em to memorize every word that guy ever said.  And then read the book An Act of State as a class together and have book reports due from every young man.  We might be heading into a world where what we do is illegal my brother.  You think they gonna allow men to raise boys as freedom loving patriots who have memorized the King James Version bible and the united States Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence?  You think they like young boys being raised in to young men who grow in to old patriots by other old salty patriots?  They don't like that any more than they like Pastor Tony Spell in Baton Rouge, Louisiana who they were prompt to arrest and harass and continue to harass to this day for the crime of preaching the gospel on Sunday morning in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

So God bless you and your school brother King Randall.  I will begin to develop a team to compete with you here or otherwise you may want to appoint me as blogger coach in the Life Preparatory School for Boys.  I would work remote from wherever I am and all I would do was to sit here and write about how to set up a blog and how to start recording your life's work to where's it will never be cancelled or re-written by the woke mob and document and journal your life works to be handed down to future generations forever, which boils down to one word, the blog, or the journal, no the electronic journal with more historical facts and data than the future data miners will never have an end to the golden nuggets of young boys who began to journal their dreams of freedom and liberty and they grew into young men with the leadership of old men who had been there and done that but that was back before there were blogs but now you got this one old white dude sitting in a brick penthouse in northern Virginia just outside of Washington DC close to Arlington where General Lee once lived while he commuted to his job downtown on horseback down along Constitution Avenue.

Until then my school here will stand.  With dreams of one day being on an indistructable private server somewhere off-shore or perhaps distributed is the new word such as de-fi oh the kids now days know all about that stuff don't they good sir?  They could easily write up a quick dissertation on the workings of bitcoin and how it is real and true money and if only the entire school was built on bitcoin and the only class that was taught was bitcoin for beginners and everyday you get in and hit the whiteboard and have goals of making money and increasing cash flow.

And that's where most businesses fail.  They fail.  How do you say fail?  Well bankruptcy for one.  I guess if you can pay your bills and keep the lights on then you haven't failed.  But you can't be operating knowing that you are falling further and further behind on your payments and soon it will inevitably fail.  So sucess becomes never to fail.  If you never fail you are successful.  And with my blog here it is free, I have no employees, or students, or bills, or anything, but I have the same idea.  And with my position of defense I have a very good chance of never failing right up until the day that I die and this asset is handed over to my heir or heirs.

And what will they receive?  A blog.  It's the best word for it.  A journal of my life pointing to this school I started here that never failed.  Now they will go and look for the Life Preparatory School for Boys and it might possibly be nowhere to be found.  West Point Academy is still there in old New York.  That old school for prophets that Samuel ran back in Israel back in the day seems to no longer be standing but the idea of it is still alive in the good book as it is written.


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