The Global Village

I would say step one would be to find a place to host all of my computer operations and then move towards a one hundred percent online business.  The most critical aspect being file backup as your files basically now are your money and your money is what you want to pass on to your heirs.  If you have been a good steward of your money, you will have some money to pass on to your heirs.

Now how much money you pass on probably really doesn't matter.  That's why I like Dave Ramsey.  He gets down on the level of the average person. He talks to people who have lots of credit card debt and very little income.  Those are the salt of the earth people and the backbone of this country.  And actually the backbone of this entire world.  Good folks who want to make an honest living.  Good law abiding folks who don't mind putting in a good solid forty hour work week for a reasonable living wage.  And the better the wage for working the better for the country and subsequently the better for the world.

Now if the united States were to turn over and go belly up and become a totally communistic society with no more free and honest elections of our government leaders, if the united States were to fall, then as Ronald Reagan would say, that would not be a good thing.

It would not mean that it was the end of the world, because only when Jesus returns will it be the end of this world and then it will be the beginning of the next heaven and earth age which apparently has already begun for all of those who have gone on before.  So there is no end to life as long as you believe in Jesus Christ and as John MacArthur says, be a slave to him.

Now that is easier said than done.  But it is the only answer and the only way out and the only thing worth working towards becoming.  Other than that everything is dust in the wind.

And the nice thing about the world perspective, versus a country perspective, which one is apt to aquire having been born and raised in the united States and thank God educated to the fact that the united States is the greatest country in the history of the world and if it does go down it will not be a good thing but right back to not being the end of the world either and then bringing in to the discussion the fact that there are quite a few and likely very many men who are very successful businessmen who were born and raised and live their whole lives and are still living outside of the united States and may have never been to the united States.

But just as I can sit here and learn about them and their businesses by just sitting here on the computer they can learn the same about American business.  So what we are seeing is the old global village as described by Marshall McLuhan.

So in this global village you have a presence.  A  piece of land.  In fact all the land you want all free for the taking.  The biggest virtual land rush in the world and perhaps unprecedented but perhaps not anything new under the sun.

So you can have your Facebook presence for free.  Name me anybody who isn't on Facebook.  I'll bet you can't.  Now Twitter is also free space.  And the great Elon Musk, if there is such a person and not just another Wizard of Oz, has deemed that even Trump supporters are entitled to own land there for free.  And now he's trying to figure out how to let the twitter population use their twitter land to make money.  Well boy howdy, who'd have thought that there would need to be such a thing as people making lots of money in this new world.  Kind of like the farmers back in the old days.  Rushing to get the land so they can farm so they have plenty of food to eat and maybe even get rich.

A lot of farmers got pretty dang good and rich.

So yea twitter might come and go.  Facebook might come and go.  But at this moment I could probably sit here and bet you that both Twitter and Facebook are here to stay at least for as long as I'm alive.  My boss Dan Snyder I mean Dave Schaeffer at Cogent says the same thing about the internet.  He says the internet is the only network that matters and it will be the biggest thing in life for the next thirty years at least.  I find it interesting that he believes something will come along to take the place of dense wave division multiplexing over fiber optic cable but not within the next thirty years.

Will the united States even be here in thirty years and what will it look like?  I highly doubt that I will be here in the next thirty years but it is possible that my money will be here in thirty years in fact probably impossible that my money will not be here in thirty years as money is not really a thing and if it is a thing then it is a thing that always exists and my money will either still be in my hands the day before I die or it will be in somebody else's hands.  It does not go away it just changes hands.  So a good steward of generational wealth would keep it in his hands until the day he days at which point it would go into the hands of his designated heir or heirs.

There are families that have generational wealth maybe for a few generations but generally it finally breaks down to where a new man must make a new fortune and start new generations of wealth.  The talk about the example of the Carnegies versus the Vanderbilts or some such comparison where the one estate is still huge and no prodigy of any of the prodigy will ever have to worry about money again.  Well if that means will never have to work then you wind up with good for nothing no-account drifters and playboys that squander every penny but like my man Peter Manigault (pronounced MAN-eh-go) maybe there is just too much and you would have to be too stupid to ever do anything but make it multiply by leaps and bounds every year.


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