
Blogging is the greatest thing in the world.  I knew it when it first came into existance and I know it now.

This social media bullshit is crap compared to blogging.  Try to make you pay money if you want to write more than 47 characters.  Fuck you.  I'll write 47 pages if I fucking feel like it.

And I don't like cussing but it gets the point across.

Mark Twain never used curse words and he was the greatest writer in the history of the world.  Along with many others too numerous to mention.

As I began my life as a young man I began to have dreams.  Dreams of wealth.  Dreams of wealth beyond all imagination.  Nobody could have told me when I was 23 years old that by the time I reached 40 years of age I would be one of the richest men in the world and have so many cars and houses and women that you couldn't count them all.  Problem was that included in those dreams along with sex was drugs and rock and roll.  And sure as hell going to church on Sunday never crossed my mind.

I though Christians were good people but they just were not as smart as me.  They were just good people who didn't quite have the intelligence like me to know that the bible was just a nice little story but real men like me, super-intelligent men like myself were much more in tune with science and electronic principles of engineering.

I remember having a talk with one of these good well-intentioned but dumber-than-me guys Craig at Colorado State University after I had gotten shot in the back in Phoenix trying to get away from a couple of young gang thugs trying to win their gang initiation by killing them a whitey down in the hood where they used smoking hot hookers to lure them deep into the hood where they would then get rolled and set up for murder so my Mom caught wind of it via the nurse at the hospital and finally got it out of me when I told her I had just fallen off a ladder trying to pick grapefruit but the nurse was sympathetic to her pleas of wanting to know what happened to her son and told her that I had gotten a bullet in the back and 35 stiches in my head where they had hit me with a two-by-four and pert near almost killed me but by  the grace of God and some good wrestling skills and a bit of youthful strength and agility I came away with my life. but then Mom wanted me back in Colorado understandably as the greatest fear next to being killed put a purty good scare in her I guess so I reluctantly agreed to come back to Colorado and go to school at Colorado State University in the Electrical Engineering program which I got accepted into and was there living in the dorm and it was pretty cool as far as all that goes but I was there as a failed first shot guy big time and I of course put all of that out of my mind and continued with my thinking that I was God and there was no other God and I remember talking to Craig whose Dad had worked as an engineer at the Gates Rubber factory in Denver and he was probably a year maybe two years younger than me and I'm sure he has a hell of a lot more money than me today at least that he earned on his own and his Dad and Mom didn't give him and I remember he had a hair lip.

Well I was talking to Craig in the men's shower and shaving and bathroom in the dorm there at Colorado State University men's dormitory back when men were men and women were women and they didn't put transexual whores in with the young college boys which I might have enjoyed back then but understand today where it all goes and it's all a road to hell and they will never stop pushing their woke agenda until they get you to totally submit to satan and worship satan and be decieved by satan and his greatest wish is that a young man would not believe in God and would worship himself as God and that makes satan so happy but unfortunately or better said fortunately for you and me God doesn't like you to worship satan and not love and worship him he will send you curses instead of blessings and he can kick satan's ass any day of the week.
But I was talking to Craig there and gently educating him that this world was started by a big-bang and we just grew out of little amebas on the beach and eventually crawled up out of the much and into the trees and became apes and here we are now and he as just not as smart as me and I love you Craig and you're my dorm brother here but man you're just not as smart or as good as me can't you see how smart and good I am and how we're good friend and we hike up to Horshoe Lake together and everything is cool man but I'm just too intelligent and I know that the bible is just a story and I am the source of all knowledge and success.

Well it's a different story today at 61 years old and now I know that in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  Thank you Lord Jesus for all of my blessings and forgive me of my sins.  Please heal my little brothers eye and allow him to regain sight in that eye and to not suffer health issues because of that accident with the horse.  In Jesus name.  Amen.

Our father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done.  On earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us of our trespasses.  Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.  For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever.  In Jesus name Amen.


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