Don't know how to back this thing up.

 Well it seems I can export my blog file in XML format onto my hard drive, but I'm not yet able to open the XML file so I can read my blog offline and see that it is backed up.  I guess I could try to import it back into blogger under a different blog name and see if it is all there and so forth, for example this here post than I am making here right now would have been made after I just already before making this post eported my blog so if I imported it back in I should see every post and comment up to the minute just prior to my exporting it and saving it so that might be a good way to test and see if I got it backed up good or not.

In the meantime I will just start blogging under the assumption that either someday in the future I will figure out how to back it up and save it offline or otherwise just trust that whoever runs blogger has got me covered and I can just rest easy knowing that come hell or highwater this blog will always be here on the internet for anybody to see.  For hundreds of years after I am gone.

And nobody would want to see it anyway.  It is only for me to write out my thoughts as I work on my trading program and either I will be successful as a trader and then be able to help others become successful as traders, or else I will just remain a Dave Ramsey student always working the four walls program until I lose my power of attorney.


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