I think I just won the lottery.

But I still can't afford the best and ultimate long-term health care insurance.

I seem to have reached a point in my life at 61 years of age where I don't want anything.  Now there are things I need.  I need to live indoors and this entails the acquisition of a home.  This I have accomplished.  The trouble is that the home comes along with homeowners insurance and property taxes and utility bills and Reston Association dues.

I also need a nice dependable car.  I've got that and it comes along with gasoline, maintenance, insurance, emmissions inspections fees, saftety inspection fees and God knows what all else.

I also need food.  This is going up all the time and just try taking a family of five out to a restaurant and you'll probably be done for the year.

And clothes.  This is probably my smallest expense because I just wear Carhart jeans and Amazon basic pocket t-shirts and I like it.

And God's word.

So that is all I need.

Now here's the trick.

The clock is ticking.  

My parents only made it to Mom 83 Dad 86.  And the end was not pretty.  The end will require help.  Very expensive help.  Now for those who hit the end without any money, God help them.

For those who hit the end with any amount of money who hope to have any left over for their heirs when the end finally gets there, God help them.

Only the very rich can rest assured that they will have whatever full time care and equipment is needed living with them right in their own private home.

This is the only thing that I want.  And is this a need or is this a want.  It's called the very best Long Term Health Care insurance.  Is this a need or is this a want?  Well, come quittin' time it becomes a need weather you as a healthy man today think it is or not.  So it will become a need but it is not a need now.

And the thing for people who do not have excessive amounts of money the question becomes well am I going to start coughing up huge monthly insurance premiums payments to the tune of $1,000 per month and then I'm only sick for two days and I die.  Well I'd say that is something to consider.

So now I'm asking myselfe, if I were to have a full-time, live-in nurse, how the hell much would that cost me to have insurance that would provide that?

And then is that nurse going to steal all of your money.

Well not if you don't have any money in the house and you got you a good fiduciary.  So there it is.  And here I am.  I just won the lottery but I think I still cannot affort the very best Long Term Health Care insureance.

Investigating further at this time.


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