Retirement Planning

In 45 minutes I have Zoom call with my retirement planner.  Hard to believe I'm 61 years old and talking to a retirement planner.  Yesterday I was 18 and leaving home to go to college and make it big.  I don't know if I made it big or not but thank God I avoided total and absolute disaster.  But even my classs of 1981 classmates that would give their right leg to have things as good as I do can be rich with Jesus Christ.

Man I'm the worst sinner in the world, the malfactor hanging behind the son of God on the cross.  Today I will see you in heaven.

I like good preachers.  The man I listen to the most is Arnold Murray at Shepherd's Chapel in Gravette, Arkansas.  That's where I get fed and he says we should tithe where we are fed and I agree with him.  Although my tithing has been so weak I might not get too many points come judgement day regarding my tithing.

This is my third meeting with my retirement planning.  The subject is death and when will I die and how much it's going to cost me to get there.  The first meeting I told them to calculate me living until 94 and spending $4,000 per month.  That seemed to look pretty good and I think on that plan my current net worth would not go down and I would have same as I have today to give to my heirs.  I then started thinking man that's poverty.  So the next meeting I said change that number to $10,000 per month.  And I think that figure had me running out of money pretty fast.  

This time I will tell her to calculate me spending $2,127.50 per month for the rest of my life and living until 94.  Odds are I ain't gonna make it anywhere near 94 but better to die with a big pile to pass on than to run out before you die.  Running out before you die is t he frontal fear of probably everyone from eighty-one today.

And then I got my three-day weekend a going.  I work 4 tens Friday through Monday and bring home a nice big fat paycheck for the time being.  I thought my boss was going to call me into his office and give me my pink slip yesterday but the day passed without seeing hide nor hair of him and I even go some good work done.

And then it will be NNFX time.  Got lots of trading psychology podcasts to listen to.  Sixty-nine episodes to be exact.  So far I've gotten through episode 6 so today I start in on episode seven.

Have a wonderful day everybody and God bless.

I think the thing that sets VP head and shoulders above all the others is the cost of tuition.  In combination with the most excellent quality training it's an offer I can't refuse.  

Point being, since I like to recruit others to join me in my business fantasies, I can now tell my buddies hey man, let's go!

It's like you're 18 years old and you tell your buddies man let's hit the gym and get huge.  And your goal is to freakin' become a super freakin human fitness machine and work out like a freaking eight hours a day all summer long.  You will quickly find that you ain't got too many friends left over who are still going to be with you come next semester.


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