Trade With KC

Well I like this here KC guy.  I got no doubt this game takes a lot of work and that is why most do not succeed.  Hell most people probably even never think about trying to become a successful trader but then again maybe everybody thinks about it.  I can't imagine how anybody could not stop from thinking about it.  

I think everyone thinks all day long every day of how they are going to pay their bills and how they can make their life better financially.  No doubt everybody who has a job is always thinking about making sure they do their job because they know that if their job ends they are going to be up the old proverbial estuary without no means of propulsion.

So I'm going to start back at it again.  This time with KC.  I like his video number one and if you listen to his thinking there it is exactly the same as mine.  Here's the money quote - "It's free."  That's my favorite color.

I think it's just like working out.  It's free but not everybody is a super-human fitness machine and in fact most people are way overweight if not obese.  Even though exercise if free.

Somebody might think, oh my God I found a free program on how to trade forex!  I'm rich!  I'm rich!

Well, I got news for you.  Fasting and exercise if free.  You're skinny!  You're skinny!


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