Trading Psychology

I'm glad I stumbled upon KC and NNFX.

The main thing I like about it is that it is free.

I like VP's blog here.

What an incredible stroke of genius.

Why would not every school in America teach every kid in America to make money trading forex?

Certainly they should be teaching the Dave Ramsey Baby Steps program from the get go.

You got a kid coming out of high school and his parents are in debt?  And credit card debt at that?

I would like to list out every kid in public school today and categorize them into 


very poor

not that poor

kinda poor

staying afloat

got a little bit in the bank

cash flow is hurting pretty bad

cash flow is not all that bad

market value of house


Something's wrong in the world today, I don't know what it is.

We're living in a different way and God knows it ain't his.


Living on the Edge!

So we got old heads like me 61 years  old and still haven't cracked the code.

The code that I should have been shown to crack before I ever even got out of high school.

But some made it in spite of everything.

And I certainly can't complain about my circumstances to some poor black kid working in a cobalt mine in Africa.

Or some kid growing up in the slums of Asia.

I had it a lot better than even a lot of kids who had it pretty dang good right here in the good old U.S.A.

So I can't complain even though I still do.

But regradless anything I'm glad I found Dave Ramsey and Pastor Murray in Mat Furey 20 years ago when I was at rock bottom and thinking I would never even get out of debt myself after 40 years of following all of my genius plans.

So hats off to Mr. VP and KC.

I'm just like KC said in one of his videos.

The fact that NNXP was free was enough to make it a no brainer right there.

All that good training and all for free?  Hell yeah let's go!


Because free has a YUUUGE psychological affect on the psyche.

If you're paying a monthly fee for some trading program, you're always going to have this thought in your mind questioning if you are getting your money's worth.

I mean if you're like me and you're a hard-core 20-year Dave Ramsey beans and rice veteran.

YUUUGE psychological impact on your psyche.


Anybody who wants to argue with me on that go ahead and bring it.  Capitalism is a price war and VP has the price that NOBODY can beat.

Not only that.

If you are paying a monthly fee to some guru trader so he can show you how he easily makes tons of money by just trading a few minutes a day, you got to ask yourself, if this guy really makes all of this money just by trading, why would he not just show other people who to do it?

So that is another PSYCHOLOGICAL advantage of VP's program as Mr. KC has so eloquently pointed out in his most excellent videos.


I mean, if I had a brother and he was a master forex trader, but he wouldn't show me how to do it unless I gave him $150 a month and I barely got enough to afford beans and rice?

And he's sitting there making $10,000 plus every month for working 15 minutes per day?

And all he would have to do is to go on X and make a few posts and then go into more detail as necessary on his blog and that's free and there's a lot of other kids who can't even afford beans and rice who can come on along for the ride and the guy doesn't have to do any more than he would for just one guy he can show the entire world all at the same time with the same amount of effort.

So in my 61 years of living I have never seen an opportunity like this.  I could go in to selling on Amazon and starting your own Shopify business or whatever.  The only argument anybody could ever come up against trading would be that it's just too hard or it's just not possible or some problem that all comes down to psychology.

So psychology-wise, I'm with KC and VP.  And I have been blessed by God to have this nice home office with nobody to bother me with a good job and a good cash flow and money in the bank so as my old friend JT at Martin Mareitta Denver Aerospace you to tell me, "Go for what you know."

So my question now is where I'm going to set up my first demo account and make my first demo trade since Blueberry Markets won't let me open and account because I am an American.  I like the international aspect of the forex game too.

Investigating further at this time...


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