Well, it would be an interesting blog anyway.

Some old man decides he's going to be a forex trader.  He's got no idea what he's doing.  He gets on X and starts following everybody who ever mentions anything about trading and every commenter that ever comments on anything anybody ever says about trading.

After awhile he starts seeing posts on X about trading that he likes better than others.

After awhile this KC guys keeps coming up and the old man likes what the kid is saying.

After listening to KC for awhile he realizes what any idiot would have seen immediately and that is that KC is openly preaching free education and free tuition and he's pointing to this other guy name of VP who has this free tuition opportunity to learn about forex trading called NNFX.

Well the rest is history as they say with the only caveat that the book is just now beginning to be wrote.  The history of what actually happens is still yet to come.

So I'm getting my laptop descktop arrangement fine-tuned.  A word that VP liked using in his beginners video.  I like how he says you can't fine-tune something that has not been built up by hard work in the first place and then he points you to the baby pips page to start building up some of that work that he will later help you to fine-tune.

Well in 61 years of Dave Ramsey beans and rice living, I don't think I've ever seen a business proposition that I like better.  And then I'll also continue to follow other X'ers like Kasy Jackson who I think are not deciples of VP and NNFX although they are nevertheless successful forex traders and willing to help to educate you for free.

I like the structure of VP's program the best though.

I like a structured course and currently I am in pre-school in the baby pips university.



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