Trade With KC Saturday Report

It's a years long plan.  

That's why most quit.

It's not overnight success.

KC says 5 years ago he knew nothing about trading.

Today he is an officially funded prop trader.

In episode 1 he says the way you succeed is to find the right mentor.

He says it took him awhile but once he found VP the creator of No Nonsense Forex everything clicked.

I've had the idea of making money by trading in my head for a long time.  I suppose it goes all the way back to 1995 living in downtown Denver starting the Winbro College of Free Enterprise.

I would look at every way I could think of to make money, it was all mail order back then, no internet.  And I remember looking at some letter I had gotten in the mail where a guy was trying to sell me his program of investing in commodities futures.

Back then you would need to wait for the paper to arrive on your doorstep in the morning and then use a pencil to make notes on the stock market pages.  He talked of how you could do the business lying on the beach and drinking a pina colada and only have to work a few minutes per day and you would be making more money than you ever dreamed of.

I would have been about the age that KC was back when he knew nothing about trading and was just hearing about it for the first time.

Today I'm 61 years old and still going after that dream.

And I have it, and I am living it right now.

The only thing is that I work a lot more than 15 minutes per day, but the nice thing is that I love to work.

I am working right now as I write these words.  Did Ernest Hemmingway work?  How may hours a day did he work?  Did Mark Twain work?  Did Patrick Henry and George Washington work?

Work is the greatest thing on earth and I thank God that I am able to work.  Come judgement day it's a whole new ball game.

I'm watching my paper trade number one and having some good luck with it.  KC says I'm up $2,000 and I can see the P/L on the MT4 trading platform but I'm not sure how this is calculated.

It seems that I am waiting for the price to come back down before I exit which is not making sense to me as this is a buy order.

The beautiful think is that KC shares everything for free and never asks for a dime.

The daily candle of 8/23 has printed and the chart is not moving at this time.  It is Saturday.  The forex markets are 24 by 7 throughout the week and they are closed on the weekends.  I work on the weekends so this is another blessing that comes from that curse.  I work all the time so hours are not an issue for me.  I'm glad to be off of the graveyard shift though for many years.  I like sleeping at night.  Sleeping at night is the great reward from working all day.

I don't understand the chart but it seems to be a beautiful thing.  Apparently the British pound sterling GBP is being juxtaposed against the united States dollar USD.

The first currency against the second currency making a currency pair.

Quite fascinating as Spock might say.

Investigating further at this time...


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