Trade With KC Thursday Report

I'm 61 years old.  KC is 29 years old.  KC says his goal is to make $20,000 per month.  My goal is the same.  

My plan is the same as KC's plan.

My time frame is different, and I have lived a different life.

My faith is in God almighty.

I know when I die, and when I'm gone, there'll be one child born to carry on, to carry on.

I like how KC is hitting the gym and reporting on it to his students.  This is good leadership.  My pastor down in Baton Rouge, Louisianna, pastor Tony Spell, says "Lead, follow, or get out of the way."

He played a big part in turning Louisianna back into a state of capitalism.

I wonder if there is even a stock market in North Korea.  I think there is not.  My brother was telling me he was talking to a lady who came from North Korea.  She said you go to prison just for not having a picture of old what's his name hanging on a wall in your room and it must be facing east.

Now I hear the Brits are jailing people for posting the wrong thing on social media.  I can tell you this here blog is being monitored as I write these words.

So I am definitely on the side of capitalism.  And it seems to me that trading forex is the purest form of capitalism that has ever been devised by man.

I have been blessed to have lived in the united States of America all of my life.  The stories of the beginnings of this great nation are what I was raised on.  My dad was an independent business man.  He had the name Kenline on a sign out on the street in the house I grew up in.

Michael Badnarik who I supported for president back in 2000 wrote a book.  The title was, "It's Good To Be King."

So today I will watch the rest of KC's episode 6 Risk Managment and work on placing my first trade.


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