Trade With KC

OK I just posted the daily chart of  EUR/USD here at this blog in my previous post.

I have no idea what I'm looking at but KC and others tell me I am looking at freedom.

All of my life I have wanted freedom.

I can't imagine anybody who would not want freedom.

I have been a slave since the day I was born basically.

As basically we all have been.

But certainly not as bad of a situation of slavery as many millions have had before me and during my lifetime.

It's hard to imagine the terrible lives that many find themselves trapped in.

I was trapped in a life that many millions would kill to have.  My Dad wasn't the richest man in the world but he also wasn't the poorest man in the world by any stretch of the imagination.

My Dad was a veterinarian out of the University of Pennsylvania on a G.I. Bill.  Good story and good man.

And I had a good home as a kid, and I went to what many millions would consider to be good schools.  On a world scale probably some of the best schools in the world compared to many.

Could I imagine better world?  Yes I can imagine a better world.  Could I imagine a worse world?  Yes and I don't even have to imagine it, t he worse world is out there right now and many are living in it today.

So I thank God for all of my blessings.

But when it comes right down to it, you got to get up and go to work.

Why?  Because you got bills to pay.

Why?  Hell if I know but I know my landlord is going to be knocking on the door come the first of the month and if I ain't got a a big wad of cash to hand to him I'm going to be in a heap of hurt.

So after being basically baby sat and kept busy for the first 18 years of my life, I was happy to set out on my own and go show all of these dumbasses how to make lots of money.

Money was the only thing on my mind as I left home right out of high school.  Wanted a big car thought I was real cool.

At 61 years of age today as I write these words, life has straightened me out and I know now what I didnt' know then.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  And in the end money is going to mean nothing.

But in the meantime, I've got bills to pay, and if my bills are paid, then I've got people who need help paying theirs.  Anybody who says they are retired, that does not register in my brain.

I could say that I am retired right now, or I could say that I will never retire until the day that I die.

I like the latter better.

I will never retire until the day that I die.

If anybody asks me why I don't have any time for anything but work, I'll ask them why the moon is made out of green cheese.

If anybody asks me just what exactly is it that I do, I'll tell them I trade with KC.


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