I've got a problem I can't solve
And I'm gonna sit here 'til I figure out
The reason why my baby doesn't love me anymore
Life is a funny thing. And soon it will be coming to an end for all of us. In a hundred years nobody living today will be alive. For me it could be another ten, fifteen, twenty, or thirty years. Nobody knows. God knows.
Life is a marathon. And I am still chugging away towards the finish line. One of the major objectives obviously is to not run out of money before I get there.
And the only thing I know about money is that I have to go to work and get a paycheck.
So how long will I be able to do that becomes the question.
And how much of those paychecks will I have left in the bank due to my savings efforts.
It's the same equation for everybody.
Seems like it would have been figured out a long time ago. And basically it has been figured out since the beginning of time and Dave Ramsey will fill you in on the details. Now it's just a matter of working with my financial planner to put together a good solid investment portfolio and enjoy life.
And the way I enjoy life is to trade with KC. Because he is trading with VP. VP is a little over my head at this time but I like KC because he lays it all out nice and simple in his videos. I'm on paper trade #8 and my goal is to make as many paper trades as I possibly can until the day I die while never entering a trade that does not meet the entrance criteria of KC.
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