The Psychology of Getting Old and Dying

The class of '81 still has a little time left.  Some more than others.  Some are already gone on.  Some have it better.  Some have it worse.

I like the KC and VP program.  It suits my personality.   Last night on the psychology podcast VP and Robb Reinhold were talking about the many doors to choose from in trading.  And how any one of them could work and probably would work if you just stick to your system.  Almost as if consistency was the most important thing.  They talked about some traders basing their entries on the formation of the stars and the planets and others flipping coins and one guy who sacrificed a chicken to get the signal.

Crazy shit as Robb said.  And he's been at the game for a long time.  And he's still in the game and VP is still in the game and KC is still in the game and I am still in the game.

Remaining in the game and striving towards consistency sounds like it could be the key.  The price of free I think is a big element in the psychology game.  No worries that you're getting ripped off.  And you can evangelize what you're doing without having to tell the poor students here at The School of Opportunity for Underprivileged Kids that they don't have enough money to join the program.

I'm getting into my slow train long run mode as we move into fall and then into winter here in the eastern united States.  Big election coming up.  I think I'll keep all of my money very conservative until they bury me.  Best to be ready for the worst case scenario.  If it doesn't happen no problem.  If it does happen you'll be glad you were as ready as you could be and didn't get wiped out if you didn't get wiped out.

It seems the game is to make it to the end without getting wiped out enjoying all the benefits of first world living in the meantime.  I guess the Venezualen gangs in Aurora have taken over another building.  I'm glad I'm not one of the tennents there or the landlord.

VP likes gold.  I like gold.  Peter Schiff likes gold.  I knew Peter Schiff's dad Irwin.

Puerto Rico is an interesting place.  I kind of like Mexico better.  I think I'm more of a land lubber.  I don't like flying or being out in deep water deeper than the swimming pool at the gym.

But I like it here too.  Really not much difference wherever you go I guess.  KC is up in Canada.  I've heard Canada is turning into a liberal hell hole.  VP was just in Argentina looking at the Central Bank there.  Interesting how different countries have their own economies and currencies and banks.  

That's another thing I like about this program.  Leaning about world economics I guess you would call it.  Ain't nobody nowhere who isn't in the money game.  Every living human being in the world knows something about money most equate it with getting food, clothing, and shelter.

Reading about how the minimum wage hikes in Denver are putting lots of small businesses out of business leaving zero jobs where those used to be.

It's the economy stupid.

4,000 years of civilization and the economy equation is yet to be solved.

I think the united States of America did pretty good so far.  I'm lucky to be here.  I live better than probably 99% of the people on this planet.  If I can get back to remote work on the job I'd be just about as free as VP right now.  But I'll tell you one thing.  You ain't gonna be traveling nowhere without spending a lot of coin.

It's the cash flow stupid.

It's pretty basic.  $1,000, $2,000, $3,000, $4,000, $5,000, $6,000, $7,000 per month.

Ain't nobody livin' no how on under $1,000 per month but there's folks out there probably doing just that.  Dang nation I better just keep my job and stick to beans and rice and hope for the best.

Paper trade #3 is looking good.


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