Trade With KC Thursday Report 002

The thing I like about the KC and VP NNFX program is that it's free.

Some might say you get what you pay for.

Others might say why would anybody charge somebody to read their blog and follow their tweets and why would anybody care if you had a few thousand guys following you and doing the exact same thing you are doing in the forex market.  I don't think a few thousand traders making a few thousand dollars a day is going to sway the forex market one way or the other.  It probably wouldn't even sway the New York Stock Exchange which is a pretty small market compared to the forex market from what I understand.

I can't guarantee that I will ever make a penny in the forex market but I'm staring down retirement whether I have a sideline business or not and the business of trading seems to me the most perfect business to pursue.  I've pursued many sideline business ventures over the last 61 years and I have no doubt that the trading business sounds like the most perfect business that I could ever imagine.  And I know I'm not alone there.

The only question about it is is sit a real thing.  Like the title of one of VP's podcasts.  Does this crap even work?  Or something like that.  Yea that's got to be the forefront question on every trader's mind  as they go into this business.  Well I'll tell you one thing, working a free program sure nukes that ever present nagging thought of are these guys ripping me off that is always floating around in your mind when you are paying for a program on top of all the doubt that this is even a thing.

My hat is off to VP and KC for making no bones about this selling point that KC said alone was enough to make him jump ship and I agree with KC.

With the free program the student can relax, take it slow, not worry about cramming everything in because he's paying for this and he doesn't want to not get his money's worth out of the program and just added pressure that is completely unnecessary and I myself for one greatly appreciate that and learning is so much more enjoyable because of it.

And that is why I am recommending to all of my students here at The School of Opportunity for Underprivileged Kids to come along with me and see if you might no agree with me here or if you have a better idea or you think that there is some other business or investment opportunity that you like better just point me to your blog and I'll come over and read all about it but in the meantime I am going with KC and VP and No Nonsense Forex.

Now I'm looking for the entry on paper trade #3 and I think I have found it.  It's on the British Pound / Australian dollar currency pair.  I'll have to go back and see how the old time writers would write about the currency pair back before the internet and computers.  It gives the nicknames in the baby pips program.  I think very cool how VP just comes right out and points you to baby pips and says start here.  It dovetails nicely into my existing business that I have been successfully running for the past 20 years, the Dave Ramsey beans and rice program, also a free program.  Look it up.  Best business opportunity I have ever come across and it's free and now I'm on baby step 7 and basically just an old retired guy trying to not run out of money before I die just like all of my classmates who I graduated with who are still alive.

Some kids from school did really good and some probably not so fantastic and others worse and some worse than that and others a little better than average.  The past is gone.  The one room school house with just the teacher and the kids is gone with the wind.  And I thank God that I don't have any kids in these freaking prison camps that it has become to be now.  Wake up folks, the internet is here, the kids are free on their phones and they can learn anything they want whenever they want to learn it.

Well who cares about society I do and we all do but what can we do if we are trapped in financial slavery ourselves.  Here at The School of Opportunity for Underprivileged Kids attendance is voluntary and you can leave anytime you want.   The subject is money and how to be financially free.  If you figure it out before I do please let me know.  I only have maybe 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 or 40 years left to figure it out.

And luckily for me I've got it made in the shade if a tree don't fall even if a big branch breaks off like I got fired from my job which would not be the most desired thing in my head right now because a big fat easy money paycheck that I studied 20 years and worked 20 years to get is pretty dang nice no matter how much bullshit and unfair treatment I got to put up with.  I'm sure my guy on the back of the trash truck tomorrow might think about trading me places but then again maybe he would rather be working outside.

I'll enter my pape trade #3 on the 9/5 candle numbers.


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