Trade With KC Thursday Report

It's like I'm an old man stranded on a desert island.  But I'm not that old.  I know old guys down at the gym who are a lot older than me.  To them I'm a young man.  And I could have a good ten or fifteen or twenty years of healthy and wealthy living in front of me.  I'll probably read about a lot of young men dying in the newspapers along the way.

Freedom is the keyword.  Where at least I know I'm free as the song goes.  And there is a definite difference between the free I have been living in America all of my life and this whimsical magical "financial freedom" that I have heard about ever since I came to realize that working a job after college was definitely not my idea of freedom.

As far as I can tell VP is free.  But he has to work.  He better stay on top of his money game and he better watch is risk management.  Risk management never ends.  He's free to travel but I would say why would anybody not put in a good amount of work to make your financial situation and health situation better every day even if you were travelling the world in the meantime like VP and Robb Reinhold.

And to any man who has raised or is raising a family along the way with everything else going on my hat is off to you.  You're a better man than I.

Oh yea I forgot put big spaces between paragraphs.  I like how VP does that on his blog and he says he's likes writing more than doing the podcast and videos.  I like writing about better than anything else myself too added redundantly to bring emphasis.

But I kind of like a different kind of writing.  Yes big paragraphs when you are trying to help somebody understand an elusive and hard to understand subject such as trading forex for a living.

Thank you for that VP.

I'm telling you what, the odds of me ever making it in this game as is well documented is not too good.

But this is my fourth try.  And my Dave Ramsey mainstay program is good and mature.  Some might think I'm on pretty solid ground.  A good place to be if you have any ideas of getting into the trading game.  I like being in the trading game and not even needing to be.  Because I've got my wealth management game going on over on the side.

In fact trading is just a side business for me.  As it should necessarily be as I believe you cover in your psychology podcasts.

What an incredible undertaking you and KC have undertaken.  I mean I would think that a guy like KC would be like your dream come true as my dream has always been the same, to help other people succeed and not charge them a dime.  The way God meant it to be.

Watching British Pound sterling Aussie whatever-they-call it thing for 9/5 daily candle to close.  Primary trend indicator has flipped and secondary trend indicator agrees.  Will calculate TP and SL using close of 9/5 and 9/5 candle ATR.  This will be my paper trade #3.

I like slow moving trains.


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